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Strong support to the IDN gTLD Constituency

  • To: idngtld-petition@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Strong support to the IDN gTLD Constituency
  • From: <bephrem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 21:51:12 +0800

 From my experience in participating different Internet multilingual system 
development and implementation,
it is easy to notice IDN is overlooked hence it needs its own constituency.

The non-Latin based language web consumers is growing rapidly and its needs 
close attention in order to address the current and future challenges timely, 
before this bottleneck get worst as native language character  implementation 
demand increases.

When I come specific to my country, above 70 million population, the languages 
such as Amhric and Tigrigna use local script Geez and hence native language 
support will have big impact for the growing number of Internet community.
This becomes more concern as countries from developing countries (with big 
proportion on non-Latin script users) are giving huge attention to wide spread 
of Internet technology and communication as their economy grows.

Thanks for your consideration.

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