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Improving Institutional Confidence consultation opens

  • To: "iic-consultation@xxxxxxxxx" <iic-consultation@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Improving Institutional Confidence consultation opens
  • From: Kieren McCarthy <kieren.mccarthy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 00:22:24 -0700

More than two years ago, the President's Strategy Committee (PSC) commenced a 
series of consultations on how to strengthen and complete the ICANN 
multi-stakeholder model. In addition, the recent Midterm Review of the Joint 
Project Agreement (JPA) between the United States Department of Commerce and 
ICANN produced useful comments about ICANN's performance and future. Most 
commentators in that consultation believe ICANN has made significant progress, 
but that some key areas need to be improved in order to complete the transition 
to an agreed model of multi-stakeholder coordination of the Internet's unique 

The PSC has developed three papers that outline those key areas and possible 
responses to address them.

The PSC wants to be clear - all these suggestions are for discussion. They are 
the work of the Committee alone. They are not fixed positions. But they are 
also positions that are the result of long-term work over two years by the PSC 
that also incorporate recent input from the community.

The President's Strategy Committee has provided the following three documents 
to launch a discussion with the community PSC about how to complete the 
transition of the organization after the conclusion of the Joint Project 
Agreement. The documents are:

> Transition Action Plan<http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/action-plan.htm> 
> (http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/action-plan.htm)
> Improving Institutional Confidence in 
> ICANN<http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/improving-confidence.htm> 
> (http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/improving-confidence.htm)
> FAQ<http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/faq.htm> 
> (http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/faq.htm)

These documents and the proposals contained in them will be discussed at the 
Paris meeting from 22 June - 26 June, 2008. A timetable for that process will 
be outlined, and a dedicated webpage launched to provide the community with all 
the information it needs, including regular updates as the process develops.

> Public comment 
> period<http://www.icann.org/public_comment/public-comment-200807.html#iic-consultation>
> (http://www.icann.org/public_comment/public-comment-200807.html#iic-consultation)
> Consultation webpage<http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/index.htm> 
> (http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/index.htm)
> Sign up to the consultation 
> newsletter<http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/iic-newsletter.htm> 
> (http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/iic-newsletter.htm)

There is a dedicated email address for people to use if they have additional 
questions (iic[at]icann.org), and a newsletter that people can subscribe to 
that will keep everyone informed of progress by email to save them having to 
regularly check back on the ICANN site.
This public comment period will be one of two that act as the place to provide 
written input and feedback into the consultation (oral input will be possible 
at ICANN and other meetings). A summary and analysis of this comment period 
will be provided to the Committee carrying out the consultation (the 
President's Strategy Committee) in order to assist in revision and review of 
the documents above.

Kieren McCarthy
General manager of public participation, ICANN

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