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one and two-letter suffixes
- To: <info-scsld-amendment@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: one and two-letter suffixes
- From: "Barbara Madonik" <madonik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 14:14:51 -0500
It is my opinion that these suffix variations invite even more cases of
cyber squatting. The alternative might be to offer first right of refusal
to existing domain holders so names would not be high jacked. This method
might end up being a little more expensive but still safer for legitimate
domain holders to keep interested parties on target.
Thanks you for your attention to this issue.
Barbara Madonik
President, Unicom Communication Consultants Inc.
Communication Strategist , Mediator, Author & United Nations Invitee
Tel: 416-652-1867 E-mail: madonik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Website:
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