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Fwd: Comments and Suggestions on ICANN Meetings – Reform Discussion Paper

  • To: meeting-consultation-2008@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Fwd: Comments and Suggestions on ICANN Meetings – Reform Discussion Paper
  • From: "Veronica Cretu" <VeronicaC@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 22:35:34 +0200

Greetings! The comments below have been sent on June 11, but they have not 
appeared/been posted on ICANN's 
http://forum.icann.org/lists/meeting-consultation-2008/ forum opened for 
that since it has been sent. I would like to know what made the 
recommendations provided be unacceptable for being posted online?

Thank you very much for your time,
With warmest regards,
Veronica Cretu,
President, CMB Training Center, Moldova
Former ALAC Member (EURALO)

-----Original Message-----

From: "Veronica Cretu" <VeronicaC@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

To: meeting-consultation-2008@xxxxxxxxx

Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:48:07 +0200

Subject: Comments and Suggestions on ICANN Meetings – Reform Discussion 

Veronica Cretu, former ICANN ALAC member (EURALO), President, CMB   Training 
Moldova (www.cmb.md [http://www.cmb.md/])  
The proposal to reduce the 
number of ICANN meetings from three to two per year sounds reasonable and it 

makes much sense, if the third meeting is substituted with smaller regional 
In addition to the recommendations made in the Reform 
Discussion Paper, I would like to bring the following recommendations that 
can make ICANN meetings more effective and more participatory:  

1. Participants of the ICANN meetings should be able to 
formulate/share/present their EXPECTATIONS for the meeting 
1-2 days before the meeting starts or even during the first day, after the 
Public Forum/Opening. This would allow ICANN staff/board respond to the 
participants’ expectations whenever possible during the ICANN meeting. 
There are several ways to collect these expectations: organize this activity 

in a very interesting and interactive way. I would be glad to share some 
ideas at this point.  
2. Participants of the ICANN meeting should be able to get not 
only the Agenda for the Overall Meeting, but also, DETAILED 
AGENDA of the workshops, meetings they might be interested to 
participate in. These Agendas should be available both online and in hard 
copies in the workshop/meeting rooms, prior to any event.  
3. Participants of the ICANN 
meeting should be able to provide FEEDBACK ON THE WORKSHOP/MEETINGS/FORUMS 
they participate in. This can be done 
in form of Exit Cards that might be collected from participants after each 
workshop or meeting. Workshop/meetings organizers will have the opportunity 
to learn from participants’ comments and suggestions, or may be even 
respond to any concrete questions raised they have not been addressed during 

the meeting itself.  
4. Participants of the ICANN meeting should be able to provide 
questionnaire might be used for this purpose. This can be done online and 
offline. I proposed this idea during the New   Delhi meeting and few 
provided their comments and feedback via an Evaluation Questionnaire. But 
this is something that should be encouraged and made public and become a 
tradition at ICANN. Feedback results/report should also be posted online. 
The final questionnaires report results should be considered for improving 
any possible components of the further meetings.

I can get back with 
more details on each recommendation, for more details you can contact me at 
VeronicaC@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:VeronicaC@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] or vcretu@xxxxxx 

Veronica Cretu

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