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IPC comments on meetings frequency and location
- To: <meeting-consultation-2008@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: IPC comments on meetings frequency and location
- From: "Metalitz, Steven" <met@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 06:48:22 -0700
Meeting Reform - Perspective of the GNSO Intellectual Property
Constituency (IPC)
The IPC supports the reduction of ICANN meetings from 3 to 2 annually.
The basis of our support is as follows:
1. Reducing the number of meetings would reduce the financial
burdens of regular attendees of such meetings. In the current economic
climate, companies and individuals are aggressively adopting various
cost saving measures. This would ultimate impede the ability of
participants to regularly attend all of ICANN's general meeting.
Reducing the number of general meetings will encourage regular attendees
to continue to participate in all of ICANN's meetings.
2. We understand that there are some concerns that
reduction in the number of meetings reduces the opportunity for
participants to discuss pertinent issues. There are also concerns that
that the reduction in meetings will result in participants not having
sufficient time to deliberate on issues. It is submitted that such
concerns could be overcome if ICANN could improve on the efficiency of
these meetings. In particular,
a. The agenda of ICANN meetings should be finalised at a much
earlier date prior to the meeting. This would allow participants more
time to prepare for the meetings.
b. Detailed agenda should be provided early
so that participants could plan their participation in the various
forums and workshops.
c. All substantive papers, proposals and
the like for consideration at the meeting should be circulated well in
advance. For example, a cut-off of 14 calendar days prior to the meeting
for circulation of such materials would allow constituencies, and
individual meeting participants, enough time to digest proposals and to
consult with others prior to traveling to the meetings.
3. Smaller intersessional meetings for focus groups could
augment the general meetings. These could include regional
consultations as well as working meetings of (for example) GNSO working
groups focused on a particular topic. Funding and staff support for
such meetings is an essential component of any revised meetings policy.
The IPC supports hosting meetings at transport hubs. This would
facilitate the ease of traveling for participants all over the world.
It would also decrease traveling cost as it reduces the need for
connecting flights.
Respectfully submitted by Steve Metalitz on behalf of IPC, July 10, 2008
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