clarification regarding performance specifications
This comment is sent to clarify a potentially misleading portion of Part 2, Section 5 Appendix D ("Performance Specifications") of CORE++'s response to the .net RFP. The author of this comment is involved in the application submitted by CORE++ and writes on behalf of CORE++. The clarification concerns the given values for DNS outages. The proposal specifies a "Total duration of service unavailability" of 120 min/month (99.73% availability) and a "Total duration of unplanned outage time" of 30 min/month (99.93% availability). These values have caused some interested parties to assume that CORE++ would allow a total .net resolution outage of 120 minutes per month and thus led to some concerns regarding CORE++'s capability to provide a reliable domain name resolution service. It should be clarified that these values denote the guaranteed availability of one "visible" name server of the system, and *not* of the whole .net name server system. A single failure of one name server does not cause the entire .net resolution system to be unavailable. Considering the multitude of independent .net name servers planned by CORE++ for .net and the supplemental use of Anycast methodologies, the resulting .net resolution availability will be near 100% on the whole. Regards, -- ___________________________________________________________________ | | | knipp | Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH ------- Technologiepark Martin-Schmeisser-Weg 9 D-44227 Dortmund Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Corte Fon: +49-231-9703-0 Thomas.Corte@xxxxxxxx Fax: +49-231-9703-200 |