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ICANN Should NOT introduce new "primary market" GLTD's

  • To: new-gtlds-introduction@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN Should NOT introduce new "primary market" GLTD's
  • From: PSByOwner@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 09:08:15 EST

ICANN Should NOT introduce new "primary market" GLTD's.
ICANN Should focus on current, existing GLTD management; and insuring  
current registrants continue to renew their names (therefore securing the ICANN 
fees associated with these renewals); Not introducing more GTLD's. New  GLTD's 
have no purpose if no one registers them; and the primary driver  behind 
'mainstream' GLTD registrations (like it or not) is the names  potential for 
generation (i.e. value) and  forces of speculation.  Fact is, the current 
GLTD's are more than adequate to service demand for many  years to come: this 
statement based on the lack of website expansion and  development on the .biz 
.info domain names on the Internet. It is apparent  that these domains have 
not been developed out as predicted in the .com "boom  and bust"; when they 
first introduced (2000-2001). The speculative market  will as a whole 
determine what domains will be sustainable, and which will fail.  Market forces 
should be left as they are: introducing new GLTD's may adversely  effect the 
current market balance, and not only jeopardize current value systems  in 
place, but 
the renewal fees that can be collected. 
Point being, the situation is counter-intuitive: Introducing more GLTD's  
will lower the money generated from ICANN fee's; not increase it.
There would be minimum speculative interest in these new domains; at least  
not like in previous introductions; meaning more administrative and  management 
costs, without the capacity of financial sustainment. The best thing  ICANN 
can do is insure the domain name system remains in place, and the current  
market of names value systems remain as it is. All administrations should  
themselves financially, im sure this is why the ICANN fee was introduced  
with every renewed domain. Preserve that; don't jeopardize it by cheapening the 
current GTLD's.
Respectfully, and thanks.
Bryan Suitt

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