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New Top Level Domain Names

  • To: <new-gtlds-pdp-initial-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: New Top Level Domain Names
  • From: "Danna Humphreys" <danna@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 07:11:01 -0600



I believe it would be most helpful and logical to allow new top-level domain
names based upon the 3 letter city codes used for airports.  For example, in
my city of Oklahoma City the code would be OKC.


This would have numerous advantages:

1.      These abbreviations are widely recognized by the public and easily
2.      This would open up multiple domain names which are now blocked by
the dependence on .com
3.      I see no reason why use of a common-sense domain name for a business
located in Oklahoma (for example, businessname.okc) should conflict with
that of another business located in Dallas, TX (businessname.DAL) or
Australia (businessname.au)




Kirk Humphreys

Former Mayor of Oklahoma City (1998-2003)

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