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RE: [npoc-voice] IMPORTANT - Annual Check-In to NCSG to Organizational Members: Response Due by 20 August 2012

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [npoc-voice] IMPORTANT - Annual Check-In to NCSG to Organizational Members: Response Due by 20 August 2012
  • From: Eduardo Monge <eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 18:05:30 -0600

Dear Olivier,

As I explained to you in separate emails, INTIC4Dev is still in the process of 
becoming a full NCSG/NPOC member.  That is why you did not receive an email 
from Robin Gross at this time.


Eduardo Monge

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Olivier Kouami [mailto:olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx] 
Enviado el: viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012 03:16 a.m.
Para: Eduardo Monge; Robin Gross; Alain Berranger
CC: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
Asunto: Re: [npoc-voice] IMPORTANT - Annual Check-In to NCSG to Organizational 
Members: Response Due by 20 August 2012

Hello Robin Eduardo & Robin & Alain !

This sound to me like it's my concern. I'm not sure that I have received Robin 
email but I received from Eduardo an from Alain Berranger; so I'm trying to 

My organization INTIC4DEV is for not-for-profit organization; an civil society 
association recognized by State (N°1003/MAT-SG-DAPOC-DCCA).
Unfortunatelly, we have some problems with our web site which actually is 
www.intic4dev.com formely www.intic4dev.org. It's because the intic4dev.org has 
a problem that our registrar choose to subscribe for intic4dev.com which was 
also available at that time.
So our contact address is info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (not contact@xxxxxxxxxxxxx as 
previously mentioned in our database).
Please, do notice it and probably help us to correct it on our database (NPOC & 

Hope It will help.

I wish all a very nice day and God less you all !
Cheers !

2012/8/17, Eduardo Monge <eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Dear NPOC Members,
> Those of you whose organizations are currently listed as  members of the
> Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group  (NCSG) ,   you should have received a
> message to check in with the NCSG Chair  to ensure the membership list 
> is current and accurate and that email ballots for the annual election will be
> sent to the proper email address for active member organizations.    See the
> message below.
> Please check your inbox  and  write to Robin Gross as soon as possible.
> You must respond before  20 August 2012  or   risk being placed on the
> "inactive"  membership list.
> Check with any colleague in your organization who might have received 
> this message and  respond the message as appropriate.
> If you have checked in already,   please let me know via a direct message
> to  me at  Eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:Eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>
> Regards,
> Eduardo Monge
> NPOC Communications Committee Chair
> De: Robin Gross [mailto:robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Enviado el: lunes, 06 de 
> agosto de 2012 03:22 p.m.
> Para: Robin Gross
> Asunto: Important: Annual Check-In to NCSG to Organizational Members:
> Response Due by 20 August 2012
> Dear NCSG Member:
> You are receiving this notice because you (at this email address) are 
> listed as the official representative for your non-commercial 
> organization on the membership roles of ICANN's Non-Commercial Stakeholder 
> Group (NCSG).
> NCSG is required to conduct an annual check-in process to ensure the 
> membership list is current and accurate and that email ballots for the 
> annual election will be sent to the proper email address for active 
> member organizations.
> Therefore please take a moment to 'check-in' simply by responding to 
> this email and letting me know this is the proper email address for 
> the current official representative of the organization.
> Please respond before 20 August 2012 or your organization will be 
> placed on the "inactive" membership list.  I'll then take another week 
> to try to contact and activate those members on the preliminary inactive list.
> Inactive members cannot vote in the annual election, so it is 
> important that you timely reply to this email to ensure your 
> organization is listed as "active" and receives its ballot during the annual 
> fall elections.
> Thank you very much.  I kindly await your response.
> Regards,
> Robin Gross
> NCSG Chair
> ________________________________________
> Robin Gross, Executive Director
> 1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
> p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
> w: http://www.ipjustice.org     e:
> robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Olévié (Olivier) A. A. KOUAMI
Président/CEO de INTIC4DEV
(INstitut des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication POUR le 
Secrétaire Général de l'ESTETIC (http://www.estetic.tg) Boîte Postale 14 BP 71
Tél.: (228) 23 20 65 01
Mob1.: (228) 90 98 86 50
Mob2.: (228) 98 07 10 00
Lomé - Togo

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