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[npoc-voice] Call for Volunteers: IGN-INGO Protections Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group Members

  • To: npoc-voice <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Call for Volunteers: IGN-INGO Protections Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group Members
  • From: Cintra Sooknanan <cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:43:47 -0400

Dear All,

Please see below, of important interest to NPOC. I have volunteered to be
on this working group and it is necessary to have others to represent our
specific concerns.

Kind regards

Cintra Sooknanan

>Call for Volunteers: IGN-INGO Protections Policy
>Development Process (PDP) Working Group Members
>Date: 29 October 2012
>At its meeting on 17 October 2012, the GNSO
>Council initiated a Policy Development Process
>(PDP) on the Protection of Certain International
>Organization Names in all GTLDs. (see
>The GNSO Council decided at this meeting that a
>group of volunteers should now be convened to
>draft the charter for the IGO-INGO PDP Working
>Group, which is to be approved by the GNSO Council.
>Task of the Drafting Team
>The Drafting Team will be tasked with developing
>a charter for the PDP Working Group on the
>Protection of Certain International Organization
>Names in all GTLDs. The Charter should include,
>at a minimum, the following elements as
>specified in the
>Working Group Guidelines: Working Group
>identification; Mission, Purpose and
>Deliverables; Formation, Staffing and
>Organization, and; Rules of Engagement. The
>proposed charter will be submitted to the GNSO
>Council for its consideration. Upon completion
>of the Charter by the Drafting Team, the Working
>Group will then begin execution of the Charter.
>If you are interested to participate, please
>send an email to the
>Secretariat. You will be required to complete a
>of Interest in order to participate. It is
>proposed that the group meet each Wednesday at 18:00 UTC for two hours.
>Background Information on the Issue
>The ICANN Board has requested policy advice from
>the GNSO Council and the GAC on whether special
>protections should be afforded for the names and
>acronyms of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement
>("RCRC"), the International Olympic Committee
>("IOC") and/or International Government Organizations ("IGOs").
>In September 2011, the GAC sent advice to the
>GNSO with a proposal for granting second level
>protections based upon the protections afforded
>to IOC/RCRC at the first level during the
>initial round of new gTLD applications, and that
>such protections are permanent. As a result of
>the GAC proposal submitted to the GNSO, the GNSO
>IOC/RCRC Drafting Team was formed and created a
>set of recommendations for protecting the
>IOC/RCRC names at the second level of the
>initial round new gTLDs, including the
>initiation of an "expedited PDP" to determine
>appropriate permanent protections for the RCRC and IOC names.
>The latest inquiry to examine the issue of
>protecting IGO names emerged as a result of a
>request from the ICANN Board in response to
>letters received from the OECD and other IGOs in
>December 2011. Specifically, IGOs are seeking
>ICANN approval of protections at the top level
>that, at a minimum, are similar to those
>afforded to the RCRC and IOC in the Applicant
>Guidebook. In addition, IGOs are seeking a
>pre-emptive mechanism to protect their names at
>the second level. On 11 March 2012, the ICANN
>Board formally requested that the GNSO Council
>and the GAC provide policy advice on the IGO's request.
>The Final Issue Report was submitted by ICANN
>Staff on 1 October 2012 (see
>and in this report a number of issues are
>outlined that will need further consideration during the PDP.
>The GNSO Council approved the IGO-INGO PDP at its 17 October 2012 meeting.
>Recommended Reading for Volunteers
>    *
> <
> Issue Report on the Protection of IGO Names
>    *
> <http://gnso.icann.org/council/annex-1-gnso-wg-guidelines-08apr11-en.pdf
> Working Group Guidelines, including charter guidelines
>Glen de Saint Géry
>GNSO Secretariat
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