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[npoc-voice] Official nottice of NPOC Elections 2013-2014 / notice and request for nominations

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Official nottice of NPOC Elections 2013-2014 / notice and request for nominations
  • From: Eduardo Monge Gutierrez <eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 16:25:34 -0600

Dear NPOC members,

This is the official Notice of Election for NPOC leadership positions for the 
2013-2014 term.  This elections time frame is as follows:

February 22nd (Today):  Official notification of elections

By March 8th:   Candidates are to submit their completed request for nomination 
Form by Friday 8 March to a representative from the Membership Committee

All candidates for elected office must meet the qualifications of the office 
position they seek as defined in Section 2.2, NPOC Petition and Charter (see 
http://www.npoc.org/images/NPOC_Charter_Approved_06-24-2011.pdf) . Candidates 
must request formal nomination from the Membership Committee by submitting a 
completed Request for Nomination form.

The following leadership positions need to be filled out:

*         NPOC Chair;

*         NPOC Vice Chair;

*         Secretariat;

*         Membership Committee Chair;

*         Policy Committee Chair; and

*         Communications Committee Chair.

By March 14th:               The Membership Committee will review the list of 
members who can vote and eligibility of candidates based written notifications 
of membership status

By March 24th:           Membership Committee will send notice of formal 
acceptance of candidates

Between April 24th and May 9th: Two-week period of elections

May 10th, 2013:          Election results announced on Friday 10 May 2013.

Should you have questions or comments,  please send them to the npoc-voice list 
or individually to Klaus Stoll and myself


Eduardo Monge
NPOC Communications Committee Chair

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