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[npoc-voice] Following IGF Consultation

  • To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Following IGF Consultation
  • From: Poncelet Ileleji <pileleji@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 14:16:48 +0000

Hello Colleagues,

Good Day, Just wanted to let you all know that I have been following the
IGF consultation process remotely  taking place right now in Geneva,
presently Bill Drake is speaking, they are presently discussing main
sessions formats for the next coming IGF, discussions presently centres on
having Adhoc  groups during the session.

Its been quite an interesting session, Bill has suggested we do regional
sessions around the regions of the world focusing on specific themes, that
will get the world highly energized with regional sessions held around the
world focusing on specific themes.

Lastly a strong point that has come up is more focus on Human Rights and
Marie Laure, passion on a focus on children and young people within the
IGF, which I will call as   "Voices of the Young" within IGF

If you have the chance to join you later today you can on


Kind Regards

Poncelet O. Ileleji MBCS
The Gambia YMCAs Computer Training Centre & Digital Studio
MDI Road Kanifing South
P. O. Box 421 Banjul
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel: (220) 4370240
Fax:(220) 4390793
Cell:(220) 9912508
Skype: pons_utd


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