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[npoc-voice] REMINDER & dial-out?/ NPOC monthly call - March

  • To: Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber@xxxxxxxxx>, NPOC - Voice <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] REMINDER & dial-out?/ NPOC monthly call - March
  • From: Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 14:24:49 -0700

REMINDER: During the call, please state your NAMES when speaking for
transcript purposes. Please also ensure that you are audible - a landline
and quiet surroundings will allow for better sound and therefore, a more
accurate transcription.

**** Please email gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx if you require a dial-out. ****

Dear All,

The next NPOC call is scheduled on Tuesday 12 March 2013 at 2000 UTC (please
note time!)
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/czju8yf

Conference ID: 5913

Dial in numbers: 

USA:    toll free: 1 800 550 6865 <tel:1%20800%20550%206865>  / toll +1 213
233 3193 <tel:%2B1%20213%20233%203193>

For all other numbers:


Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/npoc/
1. Roll call - GNSO Secretariat Staff
2. SOI - Alain Berranger
3. Business arising from February call - Cintra Sooknanan
4. GKPF/NPOC at WSIS 2013 - Klaus Stoll
5. NPOC Elections - reminder and update - Cintra Sooknanan
6. Addis Ababa - Report from Poncelet and Olévié
7. Beijing Program - Marie-laure Lemineur
8. Membership Report - Klaus Stoll
9. Fundraising report - update by NPOC-EC members as opportune
10. Acting Treasurer's report - Rudi Vansnick
      11. FY14 Community Request - ideas for requesting funding by ICANN
     12. AOB and closing - Alain Berranger

Please email gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx if you require a dial-out.
Thank you.

Kind regards,



Gisella Gruber
ICANN Policy Staff in support of GNSO
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Email: gisella.gruber@xxxxxxxxx
Tel: +44 7545 334 360 <tel:%2B44%207545%20334%20360>
Skype ID: gisella.gw <http://gisella.gw>

One World, One Internet

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