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[npoc-voice] Cintra Sooknanan- NPOC Vice Chair Candidacy Statement

  • To: npoc-voice <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Cintra Sooknanan- NPOC Vice Chair Candidacy Statement
  • From: Cintra Sooknanan <cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 11:47:37 -0400

Dear NPOC Colleagues

In October 2012 I was invited to fill the role of Vice Chair by Alain which
was confirmed by the NPOC Executive to replace Lori. Since then I held the
position of NPOC vice chair, through efficient execution of duties and
successful support of the functions and responsibilities of the Chair. I
have brought some of my personal character to this role being a promoter
for NGO work in small island and developing states; and demonstrating
clearly the regional and ethnic diversity reflective of the not for profits
we represent.

My acceptance of nomination from Rudi and secondment from Olivier, was
based on the high praise I received in fulfilling the mandate for this role
and furthering NPOC’s position. When an alternate nomination came in for
this role from my colleague I was a bit puzzled because of my own personal
belief and emphasis on creating a good team for NPOC. I had doubt in
competing for this post since there are several vacant and uncontested
positions and did spend some time reflecting on the situation. It is
without reservation that I stand by the democratic election process,
nomination, secondment and praise of my colleagues as the incumbent NPOC
Vice Chair.

By way of background I am the founding chair of the Internet Society
Trinidad and Tobago Chapter. The Chapter applied for NPOC membership in
March 2012 but this was delayed due to procedural difficulties with the
application process. With some patience our application was finally
approved later in 2012. One of the Chapter’s first activities was to invite
Sebastien Bachollet (ICANN and IFFOR board member) as the feature speaker
at a forum on gTLDs (
This forum constituted the only documented outreach to the developing world
on the new gTLD program.

Professionally, I am a corporate commercial attorney (focused on IP and
telecommunication law) with a BSc in Computing and Information Systems and
having 12 years experience representing ICT and Internet Governance related
not for profits. Next week I will be a panellist at the Women and Girls in
ICT Career Forum 2013 in Trinidad and Tobago representing civil society and
speaking on ICT and Law as a career path with the target audience being
young ladies in secondary school.

My skill set is shaped by numerous National ICT consultations and
legislative drafting. I have very good use of English which will serve NPOC
well in preparation of documentation and correspondence internally and to
the wider ICANN community, particularly when deadlines are tight.

For the last 5 years, I am involved in ICANN through its advisory
committees, working groups and structures. During this time I have had the
pleasure of building many cordial relationships with participants and
contributors. I also gained a clear understanding of the NPOC, NCSG, GNSO
and wider ICANN constitution, procedure and operating principles. One of
the notable highlights of my ICANN volunteering was in fulfilling the role
of the independent observer of the support applicant review panel which
gave monetary support for Communities and not for profits in applying for
new gTLDs. The nomination to this position was put forward and strongly
supported by Alain based on my work and the successful outcome of the Joint
Applicant Support Working Group (having secured approval of US$2M in seed
money provided by the ICANN Board to Community and not for profit new gTLD
applications; Section 1.4-

I have served NPOC in the roles of Vice Chair, support for the Chair,
Moderator of the  NPOC IGF Baku side session and remote moderator of the
NPOC ICANN Beijing Youth in DNS event. I also represent NPOC on the NCSG
Executive Committee, part of this function entails the responsibility of
evaluating applications of new NCSG members and lobbing for NPOC member
application approval.

I am a firm believer of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs (
http://www.wango.org/codeofethics/COEEnglish.pdf) in particular the
principles of equity and non-discrimination, upholding human rights, mutual
respect, transparency, and public interest benefit. My management style
also stems from these principles giving some level of creative freedom on
delegated work to ensure the best mix and collective effort of talents in
fulfilling project and team success.

It is based on the above qualities that I believe that my inclusive, young
and dynamic approach will serve to the sustainability and growth of ICANN’s
newest constituency, and in this regard I hope you will support me in
continuing this work and position. Thank you for your time in reviewing my
statement and for your consideration of my candidacy.

Kind regards

Cintra Sooknanan

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