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[npoc-voice] Fellowship Application Round for ICANN 48 Buenos Aires ends tonight at 23:59 UTC

  • To: npoc-voice <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Fellowship Application Round for ICANN 48 Buenos Aires ends tonight at 23:59 UTC
  • From: Cintra Sooknanan <cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 15:02:19 -0400

The 48th ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina to be held 17-21 November
2013  Application Round opened: 1 May 2013 at 23:59 UTC and the Application
Round closes: 14 June 2013 at 23:59 UTC.

If you are interested in applying please see the ICANN Fellowship page at


Cintra Sooknanan

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