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[npoc-voice] IG Outreach: Ideas from the European Digital Agenda

  • To: npoc-voice <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] IG Outreach: Ideas from the European Digital Agenda
  • From: Sam Lanfranco <Lanfran@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 08:15:09 -0400

IG Outreach strategies: Ideas from the European Digital Agenda

NPOC Colleagues and others,

As ICANN, its constituencies, and groups like I-Inform mobilize to
engage more stakeholders and stakeholder organization in Internet
issues and issues of Internet Governance, it is worth spending a bit
of time looking over the European Commission’s Digital Agenda for
Europe, a Europe 2020 initiative.

A part of that initiative is “The Digital Agenda & You”, designed to
promote stakeholder engagement. While its content ranges across the
full scope of ICT issues, it has some interesting format features,
including interactive mapping to identify action at the country
level, and multiple forums for stakeholder engagement. There may be
some useful ideas here for NPOC, I-Inform, and ICANN, engagement.

See: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/dae-u-0

Here is some of what "DAE & You" offers participants:

The Digital Agenda & You: What do you think? Got a bright idea? All
the ways to talk about the Digital Agenda.

DAE & You offers a set of tools to promote open & transparent
interaction among everyone interested in the ability of ICT to change
our lives.

Join the discussion on Facebook and @DigitalAgendaEU on Twitter. Check
what's happening in your country, with the interactive map. Respond to
the various consultations via the Your Voice in Europe page.

Futurium is helping the Commission reflect on ICT policy beyond 2020,
and strengthening EU policy making in these areas. It combines
physical events with an open online platform;

The Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability & Social
Innovation (CAPS)  combine open online social media, distributed
knowledge creation & data from real environments to create new forms
of social innovation.

Various groups of Ambassadors of the Digital Agenda have been set up,
in order to give us direct feedback from the industry, ideas from
young people and support to promote the DAE in the Member States.

The Going Local exercise: a series of visits of Commission staff
supported by online engagement platforms stimulating discussions and

Create an ECAS account to Join the blog, comment on our web pages and
send feedback
Posted by Sam Lanfranco

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