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[npoc-voice] NPOC Monthly call 4 June 2013

  • To: npoc-voice <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] NPOC Monthly call 4 June 2013
  • From: Cintra Sooknanan <cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 11:07:43 -0430

Dear Colleagues,****

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Please find below the record of the Monthly NPOC call held on the 4th June
2013. **


Cintra Sooknanan

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*Attendees*: Rudi Vansnick,  Andrei Barburas, Cintra Sooknanan,Marie-Laure
Lemineur, Michael Carson,  Eduardo Monge, Sam Lanfranco,  Poncelet Illelji**

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*Apologies:* Wolf Merrily, Danilo Piaggesi, OliviƩ Kouami, Klaus Stoll****

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*Staff:* Nathalie Peregrine****

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*MP3 recording: *

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*AC Chat Transcript *

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  Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, Welcome to the NPOC Monthly meeting on the
4th of June 2013****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:hello I am on****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:cna you hear me ****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:i do hear you****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:hello Sam..glad you could join****

  Sam Lanfranco:Hello, sound is good. ****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:yes very good...****

  Rudi Vansnick:indeed ****

  Rudi Vansnick:i'm cross checking with Poncelet****

  Poncelet ileleji:i can hear you am dialing in to connect****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:we can hear you****

  Rudi Vansnick:yes we hear you****

  Sam Lanfranco:Poncelet, We hear you well****

  Poncelet ileleji:thanks Sam****

  Rudi Vansnick:Poncelet your connection is very often broken ****

  Poncelet ileleji:sorry rudi, i hope it was noit too bad****

  Rudi Vansnick:Poncelet : we got the information, is OK ****

  Poncelet ileleji:Tnx Rudi****

  Sam Lanfranco:Rudi, as a treasurer I know how hard that account opening
can be. Many thanks.****

  Rudi Vansnick:SAm : my pleasure to help NPOC forward ****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:hans up for Rudi...****

  Rudi Vansnick:due to the money laundry law bank are requested to ask a
lot of information and official documents****

  Rudi Vansnick:i'm actually fully responsible to Belgian law for the money
that will circulate through that account ****

  Rudi Vansnick:and as I'm the treasurer that's quite normal and was
accepted by the bank finally****

  Rudi Vansnick:I can not post to the whitebard****

  Rudi Vansnick:Proposed timeline for NPOC Chair electionsNotice of
Election- sent out by Communications Committee on Wednesday 5 June 2013
with election date at Monday 5 August 2013Request for Nomination
(indication of nomination) sent to the list from Wednesday 5 June to
Thursday 20 June 2013Confirmation of voting members- by the Membership
Committee by Monday 24 June 2013Formal Acceptance of Nomination- by the
Membership Committee by Monday 1 July 2013Election opens Monday 5 August
2013 Election closes Monday 19 August 2013 Results Announced Tuesday 20
August 2013 NPOC Executive electionsConfirmation of Voting members- by the
Membership Committee by Monday 24 June 2013 Membership Committee must
determine the active voting status of Members; and upon receipt from the EC
of a notice of an upcoming election, confirm the identity and status of
Constituency Members eligible to vote and run for office at least forty
(40) days prior to the beginning of such election (Section 4 NPOC Petition
and Charter).Election opens Monday 5 A****

  Rudi Vansnick:Election opens Monday 5 August 2013 Election closes Monday
19 August 2013 Results Announced Tuesday 20 August 2013****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:Yes Eduardo, that was my understanding to****

  Rudi Vansnick:Eduardo + Marie-Laure: mine too ... ****

  Poncelet ileleji:I concur on the charter review Rudi****

  Rudi Vansnick:we can ask our membership for acceptance of proceeding
immediately with the elections****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:+1 Rudi****

  Poncelet ileleji:I concur Eduardo****

  Poncelet ileleji:+Rudi****

  Rudi Vansnick:that's regularly happens, nomination cna be delayed ... ****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:as Eduardo said we are reactivating but not starting
again the whole process..this is an extension not a new period opening****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:yes we have a list that Glen send us this morning****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:the last version Alain had....right before Beijing***

  Poncelet ileleji:yes i have that i concur****

  Eduardo Monge:I would like to speak ..  I cannot stay online much longer**

  Rudi Vansnick:OK Eduardo i'll inform Citnra****

  Rudi Vansnick:Eduardo : exact we need to have a final date for that too **

  Rudi Vansnick:thanks Eduardo ****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:thks eduardo****

  Eduardo Monge:bye bye ****

  Rudi Vansnick:we will put that in the message to the membership****

  Poncelet ileleji:+1 I concur****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:yes I can help.....****

  Sam Lanfranco:All, Between now and Argentina I will be able to take on
more esponsibilities, but I am not raising my hand just now****

  Sam Lanfranco:Thank you Centra****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:sam I think you could be a big help for the I inform
alliance...we can discuss it with Klaus****

  Poncelet ileleji:Thank you all,****

  Marie-laure Lemineur:thks to all****

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Kind regards****

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