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Re: [npoc-voice] RE: Nomination of Poncelet for NPOC Chair
- To: Poncelet Ileleji <pileleji@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] RE: Nomination of Poncelet for NPOC Chair
- From: Anna Anet Sambou <asambou@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 16:51:51 +0000
I believe Poncelet deserves the position of NPOC Chair because I have
worked with him at the Gambia YMCA for the past six years and have seen
first hand his team work ethics, interpersonal skills and collaboration
with international partnering organisation. He has a great leadership
skills and I believe if given the chance can initiate a lot of
collaborations within the NPOC framework of ICANN.
He is currently the President of the Information Technology Association of
the Gambia (ITAG) for the past two years and has contributed a whole lot to
the association and also the ICT development of the country as well. He
spearheads the National Internet Governance Process in the Gambia in
collaboration with our Ministry of Information Communication and
Infrastructure, the Gambia and is a key resource for the West African
Internet Governance forum.
He is a role model and is one of the few people I look up to who has
contributed tremendously in getting young people involved in the ICT.
All the best Poncelet!!
Thanks and Regards,
On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Poncelet Ileleji <pileleji@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I wish to sincerely accept with honor the nominations of all those who
> have nominated me to stand for NPOC chair, I belief I will do my uttermost
> best to promote NPOC visibility more among emerging economies in the world
> especially under the new direction ICANN is taking in its
> internationalization process globally working under our mandate as an ICANN
> constituency. As someone that have spent the entire 17 years of my
> professional career within the NGO sector focusing on ICT for development
> especially in Africa, I feel strongly and passionate about NPOC's role
> within ICANN and its importance for the communities we serve.
> NPOC strengthen would also be well served in us engaging fully in the
> various policy deliberation processes in ICANN, I will engage NPOC members
> directly if elected as your chair to volunteer and bring their various
> numerous expertise to join the various policy deliberations which as a
> constituency we owe a strong obligation to partake in and add value to
> ICANN Policy development processes. Our relationship with other ICANN
> constituencies involved in ICANN policy making process is also relevant,
> hence the need for us to continuously volunteer in these ICANN policy
> processes which also helps to deepen our understanding of the overall ICANN
> structure and operations based on our mandate.
> Our membership needs more diversity and inclusiveness in outreach
> especially in Asia, the Middle East, small island states, Africa, women and
> youth based NGO's. This is a task I will encourage us all to work as a team
> in our various regions to see happen if elected as your chair, so we have a
> full representation globally in outlook and relevance to communities we
> serve especially within the frame work of a truly multi stake holder
> process in ICANN.
> ICANN is evolving at a very dramatic and speedy rate and NPOC strength
> should not be taken for granted in the new engagement stakeholder
> processes ICANN has initiated as Not for Profits and NGO's. I see NPOC as a
> catalyst in intervention and creating better awareness of ICANN's role not
> only for our communities but our governments too, my experience joining the
> Gambian delegation as part of the WCIT 12 last December shows a lot of
> outreach still needs to be done on governments especially in developing
> countries to understand the Internet governance processes and understand
> the roles organizations like ITU, ICANN etc play in these processes,
> developing countries are still playing catch up compared to developed
> countries and NPOC can help to bridge this divide. These are roles NPOC can
> definitely help facilitate through our engagement processes with ICANN GAC
> members and working with other constituencies and participating fully in
> our geographic regional Internet governance processes.
> Above all if elected as your chair I will lead by example and follow a
> consensual approach to leadership at all times. We have a varied degree of
> professional experiences in NPOC and to me this is our major strengthen
> and its something if elected as Chair I will like to enhance more
> collaboration among NPOC members into our various strategic interventions
> in policy deliberations, outreach and the various events NPOC will organize
> either during ICANN public meetings or other regional strategic
> engagements that our presence are required as these will help increase our
> knowledge capital of ICANN intricacies and its role within the global
> internet ecosystem.
> I end with this Quote:-
> *"It is not the strongest of the species that survive,nor the most
> intelligent. but those most responsive to change"* - *Charles Darwin*"
> I kindly count on you all for your support as I aspire to lead NPOC as
> chair in our forthcoming election.
> Kind Regards
> Poncelet
> On 11 June 2013 19:04, Lori Schulman <lori.schulman@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Dear Cintra,
>> Thank you. My seconding of Poncelet was simply to encourage competition
>> for the Chair spot as I believe that contested races highlight the vibrancy
>> of our community as opposed to uncontested races which can sometimes
>> demonstrate a lack of interest. It is no reflection on the quality of
>> your work. I think that you have done an excellent job under very
>> difficult circumstances. If you are interested in being Chair, you
>> should let the constituency know that too and secure a nomination. We are
>> fortunate to have so many who are interested in supporting the efforts of
>> NPOC.
>> My best to you.
>> Lori
>> *Lori S. Schulman* · General Counsel
>> P 703-575-5678 · Lori.Schulman@xxxxxxxx
>> [image: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC81E2.512C46F0]
>> *From:* Cintra Sooknanan [mailto:cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx]
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:52 PM
>> *To:* Lori Schulman
>> *Cc:* Amber Sterling; npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* Re: [npoc-voice] RE: Nomination of Poncelet for NPOC Chair
>> Dear colleagues,
>> Over the past few weeks I have held the position of NPOC Chair (quite
>> unexpectedly in place of Alain). It is a position that I have alot of
>> respect and take the responsibilities associated very seriously. In the
>> event you have found me to be remiss or tardy on any specific duties I
>> apologise, I have done the best to my duty and ability given the time
>> constraints and current circumstances. I want to let you know that I wish
>> to continue supporting the role of Chair as previously held and as
>> nominated in the capacity of Vice Chair. I believe at this time such
>> decision is appropriate, since my personal participation in NPOC is not
>> based on ego but rather on building a strong and effective team.
>> That being said during my time at NPOC and working with the executive, I
>> find Poncelet to have the capacity and capabilities of a very good NPOC
>> team leader:
>> - being very open to suggestion and feedback (even where this is contrary
>> to his personal views),
>> - having a real passion and contact with not for profit interest and
>> needs,
>> - consistent and clear management style, language and work ethic,
>> - steadfast in heading our NPOC agenda in particular as related to
>> African needs and interests,
>> - actively participating in very key ICANN working groups, Diplo
>> foundation and IGF in his region,
>> - respectful, non-discriminatory and keen to support the best interests
>> of the team (not personal or individual benefit).
>> Also, I believe that our Chair must be able to deliver our NPOC Outreach
>> Plan 2013 (a huge component of which is our African Strategy), as well as
>> engage and support Not for Profits where they require it the most. I
>> believe Poncelet's placement regionally and as the representative of YMCA
>> (being a network of NGOs on its own) in the Gambia to be superior in this
>> role.
>> For all of the above reasons I commit my support to Poncelet's nomination
>> and put to you that given what NPOC wishes to accomplish that he is the
>> best candidate for the role of NPOC Chair.
>> Thank you for your attention and kind consideration.
>> Regards
>> Cintra Sooknanan
>> On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Lori Schulman <lori.schulman@xxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> I second Poncelet.
>> *Lori S. Schulman* · General Counsel
>> P 703-575-5678 · Lori.Schulman@xxxxxxxx
>> [image: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC81E2.512C46F0]
>> *From:* owner-npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx] *On
>> Behalf Of *Amber Sterling
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 11, 2013 10:18 AM
>> *To:* npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* [npoc-voice] Nomination of Poncelet for NPOC Chair
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> I would like to nominate Poncelet Ileleji, of YMCA of The Gambia, for the
>> position of NPOC chair. Poncelet joined NPOC in its formative years and
>> has been active throughout. He provides great incite as to the
>> ramifications of ICANN internet policies on developing economies.
>> Kind regards,
>> Amber
>> Amber Sterling
>> Senior Intellectual Property Specialist
>> Association of American Medical Colleges
>> 2450 N Street NW
>> Washington, DC 20037
>> (P) 202-862-6139
>> (F) 202-828-0659
>> *“Discover new ways to elevate student achievement at the **ASCD
>> Conference on Teaching Excellence, **June 28–30, 2013, at National
>> Harbor, Md., in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Connect with
>> high-performing global educators and best-selling ASCD authors. Register
>> NOW at **www.ascd.org/CTE* <http://www.ascd.org/CTE>*.”*
>> This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of
>> the person(s) to whom it has been sent, and may contain information that is
>> confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient or
>> have received this message in error, you are not authorized to copy,
>> distribute, or otherwise use this message or its attachments. Please notify
>> the
>> sender immediately by return e-mail and permanently delete this message and
>> any
>> attachments. ASCD makes no guarantee that this e-mail is error or virus free.
>> *“Discover new ways to elevate student achievement at the **ASCD
>> Conference on Teaching Excellence, **June 28–30, 2013, at National
>> Harbor, Md., in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Connect with
>> high-performing global educators and best-selling ASCD authors. Register
>> NOW at **www.ascd.org/CTE* <http://www.ascd.org/CTE>*.”*
>> This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of
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> --
> Poncelet O. Ileleji MBCS
> Coordinator
> The Gambia YMCAs Computer Training Centre & Digital Studio
> MDI Road Kanifing South
> P. O. Box 421 Banjul
> The Gambia, West Africa
> Tel: (220) 4370240
> Fax:(220) 4390793
> Cell:(220) 9912508
> Skype: pons_utd
> *www.ymca.gm
> www.waigf.org
> www.aficta.org
> www.itag.gm
> www.npoc.org
> http://www.wsa-mobile.org/node/753
> *www.diplointernetgovernance.org
> *
> *

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