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[npoc-voice] ICANN Durban meeting

  • To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] ICANN Durban meeting
  • From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 05:04:24 -0500

Dear community members,

As some of you might know, we just participated to the ICANN 47 Durban
meeting. It was the first time the new NPOC Executive Committee met after
the elections were held.  We had a very successful meeting and took some
important decisions.

I will send a full report within the next days detailing key aspects. In
the meantime, I wanted to copy and paste the link to the internal session
we sustained and let you know that some of the issues discussed were the
positions that are still vacant within the Executive Committee.
Nominations were made during the meeting and accepted.

1/Klaus Stoll was nominated by Rudi Vansnick to be the Program Vice Chair,
seconded by Cintra Sooknanam, and he accepted.
2/Poncelet Ileleji was nominated by myself to be the Secretary, seconded
by Klaus Stoll and he accepted.
3/Poncelet was also nominated by  Klaus Stoll to be the Program Vice Chair
for Africa and he accepted.

Should you wish to do so, you can listen to the audiocast or read the
transcript of the full session by clicking on the following link.


The EC decided that unless, we hear objections from one of our community
members within the next seven days, Klaus Stoll and Poncelet Ileleji will
be officially appointed in the respective mentioned positions.



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