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[npoc-voice] gentle reminder NCSG elections

  • To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] gentle reminder NCSG elections
  • From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 10:52:33 -0500

Dear community members,

This is a gentle reminder to vote in the NCSG elections if you have not
done it yet. These elections are very important because they are an
opportunity to have representation of  the non-commercial stakeholder
group on the GNSO and also because this is the first time we have NPOC
members who are candidates to be GNSO Councillors. Thus it is a landmark
in our history as a community.

Best regards,


Reminder:  Please Vote in the NCSG Annual Election!

If you are on the 2013 ACTIVE members list and have not yet voted, please
remember to look for your email ballot and vote as soon as possible.

2013 NCSG Active & Inactive Members List:

The 2013 NCSG election ends at Midnight UTC on 14 October 2013 (Monday) so
please be sure to cast your ballot before that time.

Here is the NCSG 2013 elections webpage with all of the candidate
statements and other election details:

If you are on the Active members list and did not receive an email ballot,
then, after checking all your email boxes and spam filters and if you
still can't find your email ballot, then please email me
(robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) so we can have another ballot sent to you asap.

The email ballots are sent from the email address:
    < tally@xxxxxxxxx >

The email ballots have the following Subject line:
   Ballot ID and URL for Election: '2013 NCSG Election'

Email ballots were most recently sent again yesterday 8 October 2013.

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