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[npoc-voice] Agenda montly call 9 December 2013

  • To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Agenda montly call 9 December 2013
  • From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 15:54:47 -0600

Dear all,

Please find below the agenda for Monday 9 December 2013 call for your kind



Agenda NPOC Meeting

*Monday 09 December  2013 at 1900 UTC for 1h30*

1/ ICANN 48 Buenos Aires meeting report
(Marie-laure Lemineur - 10 minutes)

2/ NOMCOM NPOC observer seat (update)
(Cintra Sooknanan - 5 minutes)

3/ Policy agenda (Rudi Vansnick / Marie-laure Lemineur - 35 minutes)
-NPOC on GNSO Council
-Update on NPOC participation in the SCI
-Update on current working group participation
-PDP Working group Translation and transliteration of Contact information
- Webinar
-Current relevant public comment period opened
-Participation to NCSG monthly open policy meeting

4/ Activities / administrative processes (10 minutes)
-Vacant Positions
-Status of NPOC´s participation to the I-coordination/ 1net for the Brazil
-CROPP (planned outreach travels)

5/ I-Engage : overview and status of activities (Klaus Stoll – 10 minutes)

6/ Proposed schedule to initiate our charter review (Rudi
Vansnick/Marie-laure Lemineur - 4 minutes)
- charter review in process (document will be provided on the wiki)

7/ NPOC Membership (Marie-laure Lemineur/Lori Schulman- 10 mins)
-Current pending NCSG application batch review
-Membership process reform approved
-Pro-active recruitment plan

8/ NPOC printed promotional materials  - English and Spanish versions  
(Marie-laure Lemineur - 2 minutes)

9/ Update on participation in the LAC ICANN Regional Strategy (Marie-laure
Lemineur -2 minutes)

10/ AOB (2 mins)


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