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Re: [npoc-voice] ICANN 48 Buenos Aires NPOC report

  • To: "Grigori Saghyan" <gregor@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] ICANN 48 Buenos Aires NPOC report
  • From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 15:51:41 -0600

>Dear Grigori,

Thank you very much for your comment. We came to the conclusion that we
needed "some" printed copies after observing how other constituencies/SG
are using printed materials and also, after receiving some requests from
some community members in previous ICANN meetings. Additionally, in Buenos
Aires, we had some copies displayed along with other ICANN materials, in
the newcomer lounge and at the same time, we noticed that some community
members attended our working sessions because they had read the materials.
Some of us also received positive comments about these materials after we
attended one meeting of the ICANN fellows where we presented NPOC and
distributed them to the audience. Finally, most of the NPOC
representatives who attended the last ICANN meeting,  do outreach work in
different regions in between ICANN meetings and we will distribute these
copies  during these events.

Maybe , it would be a good idea to combine ways of having  a certain
amount of printed materials together with the same  content  produced in a
digital format.

Would you be ready to further discuss this offlist so that you can 
explain to me in more detail the idea you proposed in your email ?

best regards,


> Hash: SHA1
> Dear Marie-laure, All,
> I have one comment:
> - - Do we need "Hard copy printed materials"?
> According to my experience, such materials are not useful, can say
> more - they took some space in the luggage, and in most cases people
> leave this materials in the hotel. If we receive such materials via
> ordinary mail, we put them in the most far corner after quick look.
> In some cases, like dedicated conference, it is reasonable to print
> the agenda - but it is possible to do in case of such event.
> As an option,  I suggest to stimulate PGP usage  among NOPC members
> and prepare for it a short practical online guide - how to install on
> various platforms, describe the  problems during the installation - a
> tool, which can be useful not only for NPOC members, but also for
> other constituency members.
> Grigori Saghyan
> On 09.12.2013 22:05, mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Dear community members,
>> Please find attached, the ICANN 48 meeting NPOC report as well as
>> the latest draft of our strategic plan. Should you have comments
>> or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me further.
>> Best regards,
>> Marie-laure
> - --
> Grigori Saghyan
> PGP Key ID: 0x48E4D5DC
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.21 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> onxf0EAYmLQXkFBPqwPucLjhHPHxzHbFAxeWAgdAyHkHwV5ueuQo9bSzp+wTCASR
> ksk3RxYo7AHFP+nUhabRJ7baw73DVlLUZ9rfYSHDzXsjlDdSJWzdyN4/qG0psdKn
> 1RUdqdpat8kghFKyA5w2B06Jeb4W4l1mucqe+yxIGBSozklqeArAQTaGtvejdmGM
> 0kyvQWSJDO9WLlVsU7eDrU+UKa3WeMH79TYmKW1r8nOWI+XEm8It+ewI48xUzC55
> 5r6OjQ6UMQ+gRyFXwTX+rH/2lYEESXiWUBVRmAgTYcly07vqv8P09MtnqKsOlVU=
> =dOjI

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