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[npoc-voice] First meeting of the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Working Group

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx NPOC" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] First meeting of the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Working Group
  • From: Rudi Vansnick <rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 11:22:57 +0100

Dear NPOC members,

I would like to bring to your attention the message below, about the first 
meeting of the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP 
Working Group.
NPOC was active in the drafting team and will again be an active player in the 
PDP WG. We would appreciate, if such is possible, you would take a quick look 
at the meeting description below and of course you’re all very welcome tomorrow 
at this meeting. We know the impact of this PDP is of high importance to the 
DNS as it touches upon the critical information being the WHOIS data. Many 
debates are ongoing and this new PDP is going to be part of it.

Your comments, remarks and input is more than welcome, even if you just want to 
drop us at NPOC Policy Committee the comments. We’ll certainly will keep track 
of them and will inject in the WG.

Kind regards,

Rudi Vansnick
NPOC chair Policy Committee
NPOC treasurer
Tel : +32 (0)9 329 39 16
Mobile : +32 (0)475 28 16 32
Dear all,

Following the closure of the Doodle poll, I am excited to let you all know that 
we have an unprecedented unanimous vote for our weekly meeting time: Thursdays 
at 14.00 UTC. The first meeting will therefore be held on Thursday 19 December 
2013 at 14.00 UTC – for local times, please http://tinyurl.com/jwmu4avsee.

The call details for out first meeting will follow shortly.

Below I pasted again the welcome message that had gone out to you already, in 
addition, please let me draw your attention to the WG wiki page 
(https://community.icann.org/x/FTR-Ag) where all relevant information will be 
posted – and please feel free to use this space not just as users but also as 
contributors; you should all have editing rights once you have signed up to the 
ICANN community wiki and have received a password.

Best wishes,
Julie and Lars

Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Working Group, 
Thursday 19 December 2013, 14.00 UTC (http://tinyurl.com/jwmu4avsee)

Draft Agenda

 1.  Welcome
 2.  Introductory Presentation by Staff

a) The GNSO Policy Development Process
b) Background on the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information
c) Working Group Charter
d) Feasibility Study

3. Administrative matters, incl. proposals for Co-/Chairs.
4. AOB
5. Confirmation of next meeting


This PDP has been tasked by the GNSO Council to Group to address issues related 
to the potential need to translate and/or transliterate contact information 
data. As part of its deliberations on this issue, Charter stipulates several 
questions for the PDP WG to consider, including (but not limited to):

 *   Whether it is desirable to translate contact information to a single 
common language or transliterate contact information to a single common script.
 *   Who should decide who should bear the burden translating contact 
information to a single common language or transliterating contact information 
to a single common script.

For more detailed, consult the WG's 

In preparation for the first meeting, please take a moment to review the 
relevant background documents, including the 
 which have been posted on the WG workspace 

Staff will start this first session with an introductory presentation on the 
issue of Translation and Transliteration and also provide some other useful 
background on the GNSO Policy Development Process. In addition, a nomination of 
a Working Group Chair or co-Chairs is expected to take place during the first 
meeting, volunteers are encouraged to express interest ahead or even during the 

We'll be using Adobe Connect to facilitate the meeting. For those of you using 
Adobe Connect for the first time, please find a short introduction video here: 

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