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[npoc-voice] Strategic Panel document "The Quest for a 21st Century ICANN: A Blueprint"

  • To: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Strategic Panel document "The Quest for a 21st Century ICANN: A Blueprint"
  • From: "Sam Lanfranco" <lanfran@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 19:59:31 +0000

Marie-laure, and NPOC colleagues

I am in the process of reading the Strategic Panel document "The Quest for a 
21st Century ICANN: A Blueprint" and it has both agitated and invigorated me to 
start writing a comment.
While it is a useful first pass it has a long way to go. My response was going 
to be too long so I have decided to write a set of comments, each dealing with 
a section of the paper.
Attached you will find my first comments (circa 4 pages) with an overview of 
the task at hand for the exercise, that task being to help ICANN refine its 
multistakeholder model (MSM)
to (a) better serve the aims and goals of ICANN, and (b) better position ICANN 
in the ongoing issues surrounding the Internet ecosystem, including ICANNs role 
in shaping Internet
Governance, and dealing with an explosion of stakeholder interest in the 
Internet ecosystem.

My Comment 1 is attached. It presumes that one has read the Strategic Panel 
document at: http://thegovlab.org/the-quest-for-a-21st-century-icann-a-blueprint

Please read the comment, share it, give me/us feedback, or -as always- remember 
that the delete button is just a key stroke away.

Sam Lanfranco

Attachment: StratigicPanelMSMComment1_SL.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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