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[npoc-voice] Re: Obituary Alain Berranger

  • To: npoc-voice <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>, At-Large Worldwide <at-large@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Re: Obituary Alain Berranger
  • From: Cintra Sooknanan <cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 10:36:54 -0400

Thank you Marie-laure for disseminating this sad news to the wider ICANN

I will always remember Alain, for his perseverance in ensuring the
representation of civil society, NGOs and not for profits within ICANN
through NPOC and as a friend of At Large.

Even if disagreed with a position he often did so with a smile; indeed I
have not met as many in the IG and ICANN space with such level of diplomacy
and professionalism. He was a friend and colleague who will be greatly
missed. My sincere condolences to his family at this time.

With deepest sympathy,

Cintra Sooknanan

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Sam Lanfranco <lanfran@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I too would like to pay tribute to the memory of Alain Berranger.
> I knew Alain for almost twenty years. He was at Canada's International
> Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Ottawa when in the mid-1990s I and
> several others built the Bellanet Secretariate, housed at IDRC and an early
> effort at using ICT for global development collaboration. Marie-Laure has
> kindly written about Alain so I will add nothing. It was Alain who brought
> me into the NPOC, NCSG, ICANN orbit.
> I too will miss him, though his memory lives on in NPOC and ICANN's
> multistakeholder model.
> Sam Lanfranco
> ----------------------------------------------
> "It is a disgrace to be rich and honoured
> in an unjust state" -Confucius
> ----------------------------------------------
> Dr Sam Lanfranco (Prof Emeritus & Senior Scholar)
> Econ, York U., Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - M3J 1P3
> email: Lanfran@xxxxxxxx   Skype: slanfranco
> blog:  http://samlanfranco.blogspot.com
> Phone: 613 476-0429 cell: 416-816-2852

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