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[npoc-voice] Tracking the Strategic Panel on Multistakeholder Innovation

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Tracking the Strategic Panel on Multistakeholder Innovation
  • From: "Sam Lanfranco" <lanfran@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014 16:10:32 +0000

NPOC Colleagues,

As part of my due diligence in research watch the suppliers of services
used by the organizations I am involved with. ICANN retained The GovLab at
New York University to run the current Strategic Panel on Multistakeholder
Innovation, and they produced the "Quest for a 21st Century ICANN: A
Blueprint". That is the document I wrote a long comment about earlier. I
suggested, and could be wrong, that The GovLab also appeared to be
positioning itself for further work on this area within ICANN's remit.

This posting to NPOC-VOICE is to note that The MacArthur Foundation is just
funded The GovLab to run a new research network, apparently in
collaboration with Google technology, to study and design innovative ways
of solving public problems.
A press release from the Governance Lab (The GovLab) at New York University
today (March 4, 2014) announced the formation of a Research Network on
Opening Governance, which will seek to develop blueprints for more
effective and legitimate democratic institutions to help improve people’s
lives.  Convened and organized by the GovLab, the MacArthur Foundation
Research Network on Opening Governance is made possible by a three-year
grant of S5 million from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
as well as a gift from Google.org, which will allow the Network to tap the
latest technological advances to further its work.

I have attached a pdf of the press release email. It will be interesting to
see how this connects to the multistakeholder governance model work.

Sam Lanfranco

Attachment: NewGovLabInitiative.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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