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[npoc-voice] Livestreaming Manual and Epub Guide

  • To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Livestreaming Manual and Epub Guide
  • From: Glenn McKnight <mcknight.glenn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 09:12:40 -0400

The Internet Society Chapter of Canada was sponsored by the ISOC  Community
Grants Program to produce an *Internet  Video Streaming Guide* with a focus
on the using LIVESTREAM, with the prime directive to assist ISOC Chapters
understand the potential of the technology and expand their chapter

The project had three distinct components. The first phase was the SURVEY
MONKEY of the chapters on their use of streaming technology, creation of a
video series and lastly the release of a ePUB for tablet, e -readers and
mobile phones

The SURVEY MONKEY revealed that the chapters were not using Internet
Streaming technology due to cost, personnel and training. These finding
compelled us to focus on creating resources that would be broader in scope
teaching the critical video and audio skills sets which would benefit the
chapters in recording their sessions and then posting to their website or
Youtube after the event. To augment the video series a ePUB was created
which expands on the tools and techniques that could be a portable tool for
the chapters to reinforce the learnings from the video series.

  The video series are located on YouTube

*Epispode One: Overview*


*Episode Two Mics and More*


*Episode Three: Tripod, Monopods and More*


*Episode Four Computer Sound Recording*


*Episode Five Lighting*


*Episode Six Greenscreening*


*Episode Seven Cameras*


*Episode Eight Livestream Your Event*

 *Episode Nine: Internet Streaming on Google Hangout and SKYPE*


*Episode Ten Whitebalance Your Equipment*


*Episode Eleven Sound Correction*


 The ePub is on Google Play, Amazon Kindle, Internet Archives and ITUNES

*Google Play*

The Epub called *Live  Stream Manual for  Internet Society  Chapters i*s
available Free at Google Play


 *Amazon Kindle*

The Kindle Version is on Amazon


*Internet Archive*

It is also available free via Internet Archives


Thanks for the interest and thanks to ISOC Community Grants Program for the
financial support  to help create these products

 Internet Society of Canada Chapter

Glenn McKnight

Glenn McKnight
skype  gmcknight
twitter gmcknight

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