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[npoc-voice] Fwd: [council] GNSO Background Briefings

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Fwd: [council] GNSO Background Briefings
  • From: Olévié Kouami <olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:29:13 +0000

FYI, please.
Cheers !

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
Date: 2014-06-12 10:04 GMT+00:00
Subject: Fwd: [council] GNSO Background Briefings
To: NCSG-DISCUSS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [council] GNSO Background Briefings
Date:   Thu, 12 Jun 2014 01:34:29 -0700
From:   Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
To:     'GNSO Council List' <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear All,

To aid your preparations for the ICANN meeting in London, please find
attached the GNSO background briefings. Feel free to share these with
your respective communities and anyone else interested.

Best regards,


Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
CEO de INTIC4DEV (http://www.intic4dev.org)
SG de ESTETIC  (http://www.estetic.tg)
Membre de ISoc (www.isoc.org <http://www.isog.org/>) & du FOSSFA (
Membre de l'ICANN-NCSG/NPOC (http://www.icann.org/ et http://www.npoc.org/)
BP : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50 / (228) 98 43 27 72
Skype : olevie1 FB : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé - Togo

Attachment: GNSO Background Briefings - London.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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