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Enhanced cooperation of all ICANN stakeholders

  • To: psc@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Enhanced cooperation of all ICANN stakeholders
  • From: Patrick Vande Walle <patrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 08:03:25 +0200

Q5. Specifically, how should ICANN further enhance cooperation of all
ICANN stakeholders on those Internet governance issues that fall into
ICANN's scope of activities?

It should be noted that not all stakeholders are on an equal footing in
the ICANN processes. The 1 billion Internet users and the millions of
domain name registrants are essentially un-represented. The ALAC should
be transformed into an Internet users constituency which could appoint
one or several full board  members,ie with a right to vote.

Obviously, this constituency should be benefit from sufficient resources
in terms of staffing, meeting and travel sponsorship, etc. A
professionally organized users constituency could contribute a lot to
the ICANN decision-making process.

Patrick Vande Walle

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