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ALAC Statement on RAA Subsection

  • To: David Giza <David.Giza@xxxxxxxxx>, "raa-subsection-3773-advisory@xxxxxxxxx" <raa-subsection-3773-advisory@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: ALAC Statement on RAA Subsection
  • From: ICANN At-Large Staff <staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 08:33:10 -0700

Dear David,

The At-Large staff has the honour to transmit to you the ALAC Statement on RAA 
Subsection on
behalf of the At-Large Advisory Committee.

Please note that the document is currently undergoing ALAC ratification. The 
ALAC vote on the final draft of the Statement will end on July 18th, 2010. We 
will inform you about the result as soon as it has reached quorum.

The attached statement was drafted by Beau Brendler, Chair of the At-Large 
Registrants Rights and Responsibilities Working Group and member of the 
At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and Alan Greenberg, Vice Chair of the ALAC.

On June 24th, Beau submitted the draft statement for review to the members of 
the ALAC, the leaders of the regional At-Large organizations and the ALAC 
liaisons. Alan Greenberg amended the original Statement. There were several 
comments received on the internal ALAC mailing list in support of Revision 1 of 
the Statement (the present document).

On July 9th, ALAC Vice Chair Sebastien Bachollet asked the Staff to start a 
nine-day online vote on the ALAC Statement on RAA subsection Ending on 
July 18th.


Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White, Marilyn 
Vernon, Kristina Nordström
ICANN At-Large Staff

email: staff[at]atlarge.icann.org
website: www.atlarge.icann.org

Attachment: bingUtJ4XQqts.bin

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