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abducted domain name

  • To: registry-services-report@xxxxxxxxx, wmanzo@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: abducted domain name
  • From: Wayne Manzo <wmanzo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 13:42:39 -0700 (PDT)

I have established the domain name "mansue.com"
since about 1998. I have also been censored
since about 1998. This domain name was established
over a period of five or six years until I
was forced onto the streets without any funding
for registration renewal. I want to keep the
domain name and eventually get the site back
online(currently on geocities and tripod
at "mansuedotcom".

So, what should I do?

 From the Columbus hive where I have been
abducted and where they have censored and
silenced me and want me to donate my blood
so that I can pay my webhost and domain re-reg

Sincerely Yours,

Wayne E. Manzo
Editor and Publisher, Plaintiff, Scientist, Human Rights Leader
 From the Streets of Columbus_Ohio

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