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Re: This settlement is good for the internet

  • To: revised-settlement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: This settlement is good for the internet
  • From: "Core list user" <core@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 16:06:12 +0100 (CET)

Dear Dan,

I would like to comment on your assumptions. 

- Registrars will pass on the price increase

  This will happen for some of the increase. The rest of the price increase
  will be swallawed by the registrars, especially when the registrar sells
  a webhosting/domain package.

- Investment on infrastructure

  Having done a lot of work on the CORE++ .net offer, I have gathered some
  experience in registry cost calculations. The price to support more users
  drops significantly when you calculate another million names in.
  What we have also learned in the past is that competition is a strong
  motivation for better services and better price. The revised settlement
  will completely eliminate competition.

Marcus Faure
CORE Council of Registrars

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