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I back the proposed changes

  • To: rproproposal@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: I back the proposed changes
  • From: wmfars@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 09:33:59 -0400

I, too, fully supportÂthe relaxation of the procedure for .pro domain 
extension. The changes are sound, reasonable and necessary for thisÂdomain 

I believe thatÂthe extensionÂwould provide excellent opportunities for more 
reliability andÂnew expression on the web.ÂIt easily is brandable to users 
that serious,Âcredible business services can be found with a click of a 

I agree that professionals of all sorts, worldwide, should be given the 
opportunity to register these names. Much like mobile (.mobi) and television 
(.tv/misnomer aside), pro (.pro) isÂaÂterm that isÂlargely known the world 
overÂinÂEnglish and as aÂ'root'ÂinÂa majority of the mostÂspoken 
languages.ÂThis includes Spanish ("profesional"); Portuguese ("profissional"); 
Italian ("professionale"); French ("professionnel"); Romanian ("profesional"); 
Czech ("profesionÃlnÃ"); Norwegian ("profesjonell"); Turkish ("profesyonel"); 
Latvian ("profesionÄls"); Lithuanian ("profesinis"); Slovak 
("profesionÃlny"); and Indonesian ("profesional"). 

Significantly, the allowance of registration of second level names on their 
own, with continued affirmation as to TOS and audit system, is far better for 
the extension than requiring third level domain registration for registering 
second level names, with redirect. In this light, such changes would probably 
reflect in the decrease of registration pricing, which needs to be reduced from 
$99 per year. ThisÂunquestionably wouldÂlead to more registartions, an aspect 
often regarded as crucial for any extension to take off. 

I truly wish the .pro extension well and wish to be a part of it as a licensed 
professional. Thank you for your consideration, 


Paul V. Farkas, Esq. 

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