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Comments from ARI Registry Services
- To: "rysg-charter-19sep12@xxxxxxxxx" <rysg-charter-19sep12@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Comments from ARI Registry Services
- From: Donna Austin <donna.austin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 07:43:46 +1100
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Amendments to
the Registry Stakeholder (RySG) Group Charter.
ARI Registry Services (ARI) welcomes the amendments to the Charter that will
allow, among other things, for the creation Observer Interest Groups.
ARI believes that this will provide a valuable mechanism for RySG Observers to
initiate discussion and coalesce around areas of common interest. We note that
this inclusion in large part replicates clause D of the Charter allowing for
the creation of interest groups among RySG members.
While not directly related to the specific amendments to the Charter that have
been posted for comment, ARI would like to express concern about an apparent
anomaly in the current GNSO structure, which does not provide potential new
entrants to the ICANN community with equal representation in the GNSO currently
afforded existing stakeholder groups and constituencies through membership and
voting rights.
ARI has been investigating the feasibility of creating a new constituency
specifically for back-end registry service providers (RSPs). This investigation
has revealed the following:
* RSPs not under contract with ICANN are not eligible to become
members of the Registry Stakeholder Group (RySG); and
* RSPs are not eligible to form a new constituency under the
Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG).
Registry Stakeholder Group (RySG)
The RySG would appear to be the obvious place for RSPs to participate in the
GNSO because it represents "the interests of gTLD registry operators" and it
focuses on consensus policies that "relate to the interoperability, technical
reliability and stable operation of the Internet or the domain name system."
However, membership is only open to registries that are currently under
contract with ICANN to provide gTLD registry services in support of one or more
The RySG does provide observer status for entities that "... may not be
eligible for full membership ... and for entities that have applied, or have
demonstrated both the intention and the means to apply, for a contract with
ICANN to provide gTLD registry services in support of one or more gTLDs."
However, Observers do not have voting rights in the RySG and are not eligible
to participate in leadership elections.
If the participation in the New TLD Applicant Group (NTAG) is any indicator,
the membership of the RySG will significantly increase with the introduction of
new gTLDs. However, ARI is concerned that the majority of this new membership
may not have technical and operational expertise commensurate with the existing
membership of the RySG to engage in technical discussions because a majority of
new gTLD applicants are outsourcing the provision of their registry services to
RSPs. Conversely, RSPs such as ARI could be excluded from participating in
technical consensus policy discussions in which they, alongside the existing
contracted registry operators, are able to share their direct expertise as it
relates to interoperability, technical reliability and stable operation of the
Internet and the domain name system because they are not eligible, under the
current RySG Charter, to become a member of the RySG.
Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG)
According to the CSG Charter, the CSG "... represents the views of commercial
Internet users and relevant sectors of the ICT industry, including large and
small business entities, business organisations, Internet connectivity
providers, intellectual property owners and intellectual property
organizations." The CSG Charter also includes provision for the creation of new
The membership section of the CSG Charter notes that membership is open to any
additional Constituency recognised and approved by the ICANN Board according to
its Bylaws and assigned to the CSG. However, the charter also states:
"... user-related commercial interests should be interpreted as being distinct
from registry and prospective registry, registrar, re-seller or other domain
name supplier interests."
This clause has been strictly interpreted as excluding RSPs from creating a new
constituency under the CSG.
Possible solutions
* Amend the RySG Charter to accommodate RSPs as full members; or
* Change the CSG Charter to remove the exclusion of registries from
membership or eligibility to create a new constituency.
ARI acknowledges that these are very simplistic solutions and that considered
debate will be necessary to resolve the anomaly as identified. ARI stands ready
to engage in these discussions and notes that this anomaly may be wider spread
than represented in our comments. Our investigation was specifically targeted
at finding a vehicle for RSPs to participate and influence debates at ICANN on
equal footing with existing GNSO stakeholder groups and constituencies.
The important aspect of this issue is ensuring that as the ICANN community
grows and becomes more diverse as a result of the expansion of gTLDs, that
there is flexibility within the current structure to allow these groups to
contribute to important discussions on equal footing and thereby ensuring the
success of the ICANN multi-stakeholder model.
Donna Austin
Policy & Industry Affairs Officer
ARI Registry Services
Melbourne | Los Angeles
P +61 3 9866 1779
E donna.austin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:donna.austin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
W www.ariservices.com
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