[soac-mapo] Further considerations on need for an independent resource to advise on Strings raising Cultural, Linguistic, and other sensitivities
Dear colleagues I have been following our discussions with great interest. I am also reminded of relevant work done by the President's Strategy Committee that has some relevance. In the work of the PSC, we gathered extensive public comment about the importance of independent input and advice to the Board, and external appeal. The PSC took extensivepublic review and comment on its work. I don't want to distract us with a review of that work, but I do want to note it due to its relevance to our work on a process that can advise the Board on strings that encounter objections. To put it simply, while the Board will make the final decisions, they must have advice, and guidance from experts, relevant to the decisions. I don't consider it practicalor useful to expect ICANN staff to hold all expertise needed, nor for the Board to have such expertise in dealing with either highly technical or all matters relating to the kinds of objectionsthat may be received. I take note of the broader role of the ICANN Board and its fuller set of responsibilities. The Board must be able to turn to, and rely upon independent and expert advice in a wide variety of areas. In the area that we are discussing, I support the need for a quick look/objection review process, that draws on highly qualified parties, and relies on a defined set of legal instruments that have international legal standing. I am not addressing who the third party should be who manages the expert process, although I personally consider that a highly administrative matter, e.g. the management of the expert process can be separated from the development of the pool of experts. Experience and credibility in such matters, as well as international standing should be elements of selecting the third party. As I have considered our discussions, I have done some further thinking about a possible approach to how the ICANN Board can receive independent, and informed input on strings that encounter objections due to linquistic, human rights, or other challenges, and have outlined, for discussion at some point, a proposed approach of using a panel of independent experts. To help to define the basis of what said experts should take into account, I included a list of internationally recognized instruments. It isn't realistic to assume that the Board makes decisions without advice. I do agree that ultimately the Board votes. but it should be after an informed and expert panel advises them. And after any Board decision, there will also be the need for an appeals mechanism, which may be an independent entity, as the PSC envisioned, or the courts. The attached document is merely for discussion in our work. It isn't intended to take over the process, but to contribute to dialogue. Marilyn Cade Attachment:
ICANN - STRINGs that encounter objections - review proposal.doc |