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RE: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] current Draft Final report (Aug 19) - to continue review

  • To: <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] current Draft Final report (Aug 19) - to continue review
  • From: "Tijani BEN JEMAA" <tijani.benjemaa@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 11:40:37 +0100

Karla and all,


This is my proposal for the paragraph “Who should receive support”:


1. Who should receive support?


Key to making a support program work is the choice of initial support
recipients. With this in mind it is agreed that the initial focus should be
on finding a relatively limited identifiable set of potential applicants
that would be not controversial of support.


Based on these criteria, and per review of the comments, the WG recommends
that the main criteria for eligibility should be the need; an applicant from
one of the following categories (that the WG recommends) wouldn’t be
selected for support if he/she is not in need of such support.


a.      Community based applications such as cultural, linguistic and
ethnic. These potential applicants have the benefits of being relatively
well defined as groups. Facilitating community on the web is one of ICANN’s
core values. 


b.      NGOs, civil society and not for-profit organizations. 


c.      Applicants geographically located in Emerging Markets/Developing


d.      Applications in languages whose presence on the web is limited. 


e.      Entrepreneurs in those too tight markets for a reasonable profit
making industry 


A series of groups are not recommended for support based on our work,


*         Applicants that don’t need the support/have ample financing 


*         Applicants that are brands/groups that should be self-supporting
companies (except those from countries where markets are not wide enough for
a reasonable profit making industry).


*         Applicants that are geographic names (such as .Paris and others) 


*         Purely Government/parastatal applicants (though applicants with
some Government support might be eligible) 


*         Applicants whose business model doesn’t demonstrate sustainability





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De : owner-soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx] De la part de Karla Valente
Envoyé : mardi 24 août 2010 02:21
À : Avri Doria; evan@xxxxxxxxx
Cc : soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
Objet : [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] current Draft Final report (Aug 19) - to
continue review
Importance : Haute


Dear Avri, Evan:


Please note the following updates were done on the Wiki
upport_working_group) and will be available on Adobe:


1.      Uploaded the most recent Draft Final Report, which is version 2.6,
last update done based on August 19 Conference call. You will find two
documents, one redlined and another clean version to be easier to read. They
are both attached on this e-mail (word and pdf) for your convenience. 

NOTE: We stopped our updates on page 10 (see green highlight) 

If I missed or misinterpreted any update, please let me know!

2.      Please note yesterday, August 23, was the deadline for the
additional 5 languages. We did NOT receive any additional comment. For
reference, see: http://forum.icann.org/lists/joint-wg-snapshot/. 


I already started working on:

a.      cleaning up the Final Report, formatting…. I will send the
reformatted version to the WG at the end of the week, after this week’s
content updates.

b.      the Addenda referenced on the Final Report Annex C, which includes
the public comment Summary & Analysis. I believe we still need to go over
the summary and analysis with the WG since I have captured only the WG
summary of discussions, but we did not draft/reviewed the final disposition.
The goal is to have the summary analysis published not only with the Final
report as an addendum, but also as a separate document as we do with all
public comments related to the new gTLD program.


Thank you,





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