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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] current Draft Final report (Aug 19) - to continue review

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>, "evan@xxxxxxxxx" <evan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] current Draft Final report (Aug 19) - to continue review
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 18:21:04 -0700

Dear Avri, Evan:

Please note the following updates were done on the Wiki 
 and will be available on Adobe:

1.       Uploaded the most recent Draft Final Report, which is version 2.6, 
last update done based on August 19 Conference call. You will find two 
documents, one redlined and another clean version to be easier to read. They 
are both attached on this e-mail (word and pdf) for your convenience.

NOTE: We stopped our updates on page 10 (see green highlight)

If I missed or misinterpreted any update, please let me know!

2.       Please note yesterday, August 23, was the deadline for the additional 
5 languages. We did NOT receive any additional comment. For reference, see: 

I already started working on:

a.       cleaning up the Final Report, formatting.... I will send the 
reformatted version to the WG at the end of the week, after this week's content 

b.      the Addenda referenced on the Final Report Annex C, which includes the 
public comment Summary & Analysis. I believe we still need to go over the 
summary and analysis with the WG since I have captured only the WG summary of 
discussions, but we did not draft/reviewed the final disposition. The goal is 
to have the summary analysis published not only with the Final report as an 
addendum, but also as a separate document as we do with all public comments 
related to the new gTLD program.

Thank you,


Attachment: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.6.Aug19 - Clean.pdf
Description: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.6.Aug19 - Clean.pdf

Attachment: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.6.Aug19.pdf
Description: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.6.Aug19.pdf

Attachment: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.6.Aug19 - Clean.docx
Description: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.6.Aug19 - Clean.docx

Attachment: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.6.Aug19.docx
Description: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.6.Aug19.docx

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