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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat room - JAS August 24 2010 adobe conference call

  • To: "soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat room - JAS August 24 2010 adobe conference call
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 07:01:53 -0700

Karla Valente: Hello everyone and welcome to the JAS WG August 24 2010 
conference call
Evan Leibovitch: Got access. Yay!
Karla Valente: on the screen is the most updated version of the final report. 
In green is where we stoped last week. You can find this document in adobe.
Karla Valente: line numbers were added to the document on screen to make review 
avri: Evan and I have decided that we will alternate chairing the meetings.  He 
takes Tuesdays and I take Thursdays.
avri: Or rather I take Fridays.
Elaine Pruis: hello
CLO: Do we have individual scroll control for the document I can't seem to ?
Karla Valente: only hosts have the individual control of the screen. the docs 
were sent via e-mail as well
CLO: in other rooms those of us who wish to  usually have a read ahead ability  
I find that useful but whatever *sigh*
Alan Greenberg: Yes, please turn control over screen positioning to us!
avri: try now
CLO: thanks
Alan Greenberg: Thank you
Elaine Pruis: keep examples. I'm an english speaking half-latvian. that is an 
ethinic and linguistic community
CLO: I'm happy to use Tijani's bullet point a.
Alan Greenberg: The objectional part of ''in the first round'' was that it was 
included in A and not the rest.
Alan Greenberg: Regardless of any support we can offer, the commitment for a 
new gTLD will be LARGE. I don't really think we will be flooded.
Andrew Mack: would it make sense to say this would be ''less controversial''?
Karla Valente: we need a glossary
CLO: I need to leave before the top of the hour for the ALAC call they are 
already trying to dial me in Sorry  I've asked them to call back in a few 
CLO: WHat Avri is saying  IS specified in SOME ccTLD's  for new Names  e.g. in  
.au  a criteria of meeting an unmet or underserviced need needs to be made  I'm 
not saying go that far  but Avri's wordss work for me on this support issue
CLO: Had to leave sorry
CLO:  ALAC call starts in 5

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