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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat room August 19 2010 JAS WG adobe conference call

  • To: "soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat room August 19 2010 JAS WG adobe conference call
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 07:02:42 -0700

Karla Valente: hello everyone and welcome to JAS Meeting August 17. The agenda 
and document sent by Avri are uploaded.
avri: Hi Karla, can you also upload the doc you sent to the group so that if we 
want to refer to it we can?
Karla Valente: which one you want to start with?
avri: the 2.5 version of the Draft Final Report.
avri (privately): might also be good to have Tijani's marked up draft in the 
backgroud so we can pull it forward if people want to look at the wording
Karla Valente: voila!
avri (privately): thanks
Karla Valente (privately): did you see the docs i sent you privately?
avri (privately): yes.  just took a quick look.  i think they are going well 
(-: though you will have to turn my fragmentary illiteracies into something 
avri (privately): the table one looks simialr to what you sent out with mythe 
old table.  and i thik your comments is better than the one i have and is ready 
for prime time whenever you are ready.  at the next meeting even though i won't 
be here would be good.  and i think we have to bring Evan into the discussions 
Karla Valente (privately): agreed
Alan Greenberg: This is really dumb!  We don't need new ways to make us less 
efficient and effective.
Alan Greenberg: The Liaison has put his stake in the ground!
Alan Greenberg: The SoI is a good idea. An explicit roll call to reaffirm at 
each meeting is dumb.
Michele Neylon: Alan - agreed
Michele Neylon: Alan - we need to ensure they are kept up to date
Alan Greenberg: REALLY  dumb.
Michele Neylon: I strongly disagree with how Avri is interpreting this
Alan Greenberg: Michele, the GNSO proactice has been tat the start of each 
meeting is to ask if there are any changes. Some WG have done the same. That 
makes sense.
Michele Neylon: Alan - *if* there is change - agreed
Sébastien: WG members not memers
Alan Greenberg: ''i.a.'' - Latin phrases are bad enough, Abreviations for them 
is overkill in obfuscation.
Carlos Aguirre: in a first line, we  need correct the word memers for
Carlos Aguirre: members
Carlos Aguirre: like Sebastian said
Evan Leibovitch: @Alan: :-)
Sébastien: drop off
Sébastien: I call back
Michele Neylon: Alan - I was wondering what the hell ''ia'' was - glad I'm not 
hte only one
Sébastien: I am back
Alan Greenberg: Michele - inter alia - among other things
Alan Greenberg: Too much of my life wasted in reading and writing contracts.
Carlos Aguirre: I believe all documments must be in the anexes
Alan Greenberg: Carlos, question is whether these annexes are part of the sam 
ephysical document/file, or two.
Carlos Aguirre: ok
Elaine Pruis: please don't change the working method at this point
Michele Neylon: you can make a doc globally editable AFAIK
Alan Greenberg: Limit: 1/2 to 1 page
Elaine Pruis: agreed Alan
Andrew Mack: thank you
Elaine Pruis: we want people to pay attention to the solutions
Carlos Aguirre: don't worry Andrew the statement must be complete, I think the 
long is not the sustantial issue
Andrew Mack: I know.  Just looking for as much precision in the assignment as 
Andrew Mack: I agree Elaine.  I think brevity is the best policy.
Alan Greenberg: Once we have a draft of each, we can refine. Ultimately, all 
three sections should be somewhere near the same size so as to not 
over-emphasize one compared to the other.
Alan Greenberg: Are these changes already in the revised document that Tijani 
sent around.
Michele Neylon: I have to drop off
Elaine Pruis: isn't the proposed contract for all new gTLDs to be the same- 
unlike current gTLDs
Andrew Mack: now I'm baffled...
Michele Neylon: Elaine - yes
avri (privately): thak you.
avri: please continue the discussion on the list.
Gisella Gruber-White: hello everyone and welcome to JAS Meeting August 19
CLO: Hi  there
CLO: Have I dropped of the casll?
CLO: call
Gisella Gruber-White: not as far as I can see
CLO: ;-)
Elaine Pruis: sorry I'm late-apparently Im on central time today
Evan Leibovitch: hi elaine
Elaine Pruis: dropped off call=its important to me to hear this, calling back in
Elaine Pruis: back
Elaine Pruis: so we're dropping ''easily identifiable''
Elaine Pruis: /''easily''
Elaine Pruis: a double negative is not good
Elaine Pruis: I don't see D
Elaine Pruis: me too
Alex Gakuru: I have another call in 8 minutes
Alex Gakuru: bye all. I need 5 minute brek

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