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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] On the methods of assistance item, at 268/269/270

  • To: "soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] On the methods of assistance item, at 268/269/270
  • From: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2010 09:57:40 -0400


Here is the original text, some rational, and a proposal for new text which corrects and generalizes the language as we agreed in last Tuesday's call.


This is the current text at 264 and 265:
o "Methods of coordinating the assistance, and discussion on the extent of such coordination, to be given by the ISP; e.g. brokering the relationships, reviewing the operational quality of the relationship."

I'd like to see the focus of support for technical requirements encompass cooperation between applicants. In a prior note to the list I've discussed the problems inherent in brokering relationships with and reviewing the conduct of existing for-profit registry service providers in a note sent to the list on the 31st.

Qualified applicants will gain human, technical, and financial resources through cooperation with other qualified applicants.

There is also likely to be more "resources" available among the qualified applicants than from the existing half-dozen or dozen registry solutions vendors. We shouldn't discourage or "fail to mention" cooperation simply to benefit commercial registry services vendors.

For those applicants that choose use an existing operator, the use of existing operators of registries in developing countries is more consistent with ICANN's representation goal than the use of existing operators of registries in North America and Europe. A similar observation for a preference for non-profit over for-profit also applies to ICANN's representation goal.

This is the recommended replacement text:
o "Establish methods for coordinating cooperation among qualified applicants, and assistance volunteered by third parties.


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