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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat room JAS WG (Aug 30 to Sept 10)

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat room JAS WG (Aug 30 to Sept 10)
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 10:00:43 -0700

Karla Valente: Hello everyone and welcome to the September 3rd JAS WG 
conference call
Elaine Pruis: good morning
r tindal: hi
Andrew Mack: morning
Evan Leibovitch: hi!
Eric Brunner-Williams: what is the question?
Eric Brunner-Williams: agree with what?
Karla Valente: line 230 to 231
Eric Brunner-Williams: thanks!
Eric Brunner-Williams: please add ''cultural'' per last call
Karla Valente: waiting for consensus before changes are made.
Evan Leibovitch: how about a doodle poll on the issue?
Eric Brunner-Williams: the case for each of 2 (or more) statements could be 
made, and it probably is more complex than a doodle pool
Eric Brunner-Williams: the assumption of scarcity is not a proof of scarcity
r tindal: i agree
r tindal: im saying the possibility of scarity
r tindal: scarcity
Eric Brunner-Williams: yeah! a bigger window!
Andrew Mack: ha
Eric Brunner-Williams: it is possible that some resource reserved for 
'qualified applicants' is not limited
Andrew Mack: not sure what you mean here
r tindal: yes  it is possible
Eric Brunner-Williams: that is, does not reduce to 'cash' from some 
(hypothetically) limited 'cash pool'
Eric Brunner-Williams: i'll remain on the call until my batteries run out, but 
i've got to leave a/c now.
Carlos Aguirre: please clarify the position
r tindal: there will be a first round!
r tindal: my therapist told me that
Elaine Pruis: Resolved (2010.03.12.47), the Board requests stakeholders to work 
through their SOs and ACs, and form a Working Group to develop a sustainable 
approach to providing support to applicants requiring assistance in applying 
for and operating new gTLDs .
r tindal: Alan - +1
Carlos Aguirre: I think our recomendations are for first round and all rounds
CLO: Hard to hear Avri
Andrew Mack: Avri, you seem to have gotten softer
r tindal: Evan +1
CLO: Very hard to hear Avri
CLO: again
CLO: ahh better now
r tindal: Alan - correct
CLO: Nice matter fo us to contemplate between this meeting and the next then
r tindal: Avri - thats my sense
CLO: IGF has Avri  and many others in the JAS WG  occupied
CLO: over next couple of weeks
CLO: Thanks all
avri: btw, i am trying to gfigure out how to expand some of the block so we get 
a bigger comment area.  i know VIWG did it - so it is possible.  i just have 
not figured it out yet.
avri: any better?  of course i do not know if we can keep this config.
avri: or whether someone has to establish it at every meeting
avri: ok, have played enough.  i understand how to do it.  just hard to figure 
out whille chairing a meeting.
Elaine Pruis: good morning
Evan Leibovitch: hi all.
Elaine Pruis: andrew I don't see your email with the language you just talked 
Andrew Mack: just sent it out to the entire list.  it should be coming.  if it 
doesn't show up I can re-send
Andrew Mack: On the ''bundling'' discussion, based on our desire to come 
forward with a consensus formula that both promotes more access in underserved 
languages and yet also avoids some of the possible unintended 
consequences/gaming opportunities noted by Eric, Richard and others, Richard 
and I worked up the following formulation:That in place of ''bundled'' support 
for IDN build out the WG would recommend a simplified ''direct'' package of 
cost reductions to incentivize IDN build out in underserved scripts for all 
applicants, whether national or international, NGO or private, on the following 
basis:For scripts with 1-10 million native users, a 60% discount from the 
typical price of a new gTLD. For scripts with 10-50 million native users, a 40% 
discount. For scripts with 50-100 million native users, a 20% discount. No 
discount is recommended for scripts with more than 100 million users, as they 
are considered large enough to constitute a strong market in the near term and 
thus support would be better focused on script groups t
Carlos Aguirre: I like to me the idea, but why those percentages in each case? 
what cases you consider to determinate this?
Alan Greenberg: Here now.
Elaine Pruis: i like it
Richard Tindal: hello all     am on now
rafik: @Eric standard arabic is still used for administration, univerisities, 
media etc as writtent language. but yes we use different dialects in daily life
Richard Tindal: im on call
Alan Greenberg: Off for a few minutes - back soon.
Elaine Pruis: TLDs are written, not spoken, so maybe that is how.
Richard Tindal: interested to hear what others think on this issue
Alan Greenberg: Calling back in now
Richard Tindal: Eric - you there?
Richard Tindal: lets move on
Elaine Pruis: we can't have cost reduction without a subsidy from somewhere 
else-to keep with the principle of cost recovery
Evan Leibovitch: That can be interpreted multiple ways. Arguably the cost of 
TLDs already has some kind of applications ''subsiding''others.
Carlos Aguirre: sound is very bad
Carlos Aguirre: yes is ok right now
Elaine Pruis: i have to leave adobe now, but will stay on the call
avri: ok, back again
avri: we never limited it that way, but some people did not read it that way.
Carlos Aguirre: I think there are not doubt, Africa is a needy continent. And 
for this is a particular big case. We have different particular cases around 
the world, and is impossible to fix each other. I think we need to fix in the 
text a common consensus more than particular cases
Andrew Mack: agreed Carlos
Carlos Aguirre: to be honest te first redaction of the text with some (few) 
changes, made to now. is fine to me. obviously if we continue discussing the 
consensus wil be more difficult. I propose, having deadline very close, go 
directly to wording fix. We had a very interesting discussion about different 
topics, and we can send the records of our discussions with the final text.

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