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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat room august 27

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat room august 27
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 10:01:13 -0700

Karla Valente: Hello everyone and welcome to the JAS WG August 27 Meeting
Andrew Mack: andrew just joined.  sorry, couldn't find the number...
Evan Leibovitch: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_Developed_Country
Andrew Mack: what Avri said is my concern, that our system could be 
overwhelmed.  no disagreement about the need criteria
Alan Greenberg: I really think that the cost of submitting an application, even 
ignoring the $185, will be sufficiently large that I don't think we will be 
overwhelm - IF we set reasionable expectations of what can be provided.
Eric Brunner-Williams: agree, 1 in 5 is my estimate of the 100 known or 
semi-known at this point in time, and the stealth mode apps won't be looking 
for assistance
Karla Valente: Eric: I agree we need to change and simplify the language of the 
DAG. English is my 5 language and I see how the reading is challenging and how 
things get further lost in translations. I cannot change the DAG, but I can 
help creating facsheets and faqs with a simpler language.
Karla Valente: Eric: did you see our factsheet?
Andrew Mack: violent agreement
Alan Greenberg: I disagree. If we (ICANN) have cut the price to $100k, they 
(applicant or friends) need to come in with $100k. Where else will the money 
come from??
Carlos Aguirre: excellent and productive discussion. bravo
Carlos Aguirre: !! for all

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