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RE: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS Co-chairs to step down

  • To: "'Baudouin SCHOMBE'" <b.schombe@xxxxxxxxx>, "'Evan Leibovitch'" <evan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS Co-chairs to step down
  • From: "Dave Kissoondoyal" <dave@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 17:40:10 +0400

I join those who have already done so, to support the candidacy of both
Rafik and Carlton.


Thanks and best regards


Dave Kissoondoyal MBA, ACMI

CE0 - KMPGlobal Ltd 

President - Internet Society of Mauritius | Member - ICANN At Large Advisory
Committee (ALAC) | Member - PIR .ORG Advisory Council |) Tel 230 2578703 |
Fax +230 6778059  | Royal Road, Union Park. Mauritius | Email
dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <blocked::mailto:dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  |
http://www.kmpglobal.com <blocked::http://www.kmpglobal.com/>  


From: owner-soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Baudouin SCHOMBE
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 12:50 PM
To: Evan Leibovitch
Cc: soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS Co-chairs to step down


With Avri, you were wonderful and I learned a lot during your tenure. I
understand that my contribution was insignificant. I take this opportunity
to ask the indulgence of all. Every day I gave more effort to stay active in
this dynamic.
I support the candidacy of Rafik and Carlton who have proven expertise and
will be up to that responsibility.


2010/12/16 Evan Leibovitch <evan@xxxxxxxxx>

Hello JAS WG members,

After some extensive discussions, Avri and I have decided to step down as
the co-chairs of the JAS group.  We each have different personal reasons,
but both think that the changeover in WG tasks makes this a good time for a
change in group coordination.

Avri's reasons are twofold.  In one respect they center on her failure to
come to closure with the GNSO on the charter renewal.  The conversation over
the charter became heated during the public GNSO meeting and instead of the
decision we had hoped for, the council decided that two of its members would
be responsible for negotiating with the JAS WG to determine a new charter.
Since the relationship between Avri and one of these negotiators is rather
strained at the moment, she feels that someone else would be better equipped
to handle this negotiation.  Secondly, she is very interested on focusing on
the work of fund raising and looking into methods of dealing with any excess
funds from auctions and figures that doing this work and being co-chair
would be difficult at best.

I, on the other hand, have recently been elected by the North Ametican
Region to ALAC and then subsequently honoured to be voted by ALAC members as
its Vice Chair.  I feel that my new duties would make it hard to give
co-chairing JAS the focus it would need. Since Carlos has left the ALAC to
join the GNSO Council, I am volunteering to take the spot as the ALAC

We both intend to continue working with the WG and will help in the
changeover once new co-chairs have been selected by the group.  Avri will
chair the next meeting, or meetings if necessary, until such time as new
co-chairs are chosen, discussion on the selection of new co-chairs it is the
first thing on the agenda.  We suggest that those who are interested in
becoming the new chairs, speak up on the list before the meeting if

We both thank the group members for the opportunity we had to lead this work
during its first phase, and look forward to continued working with the JAS
group going forward.

Avri and Evan


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