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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] WT3 DEF

  • To: soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] WT3 DEF
  • From: Elaine Pruis <elaine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 11:49:31 -0800

Hello Working Team,

We have some tasks, some work already accomplished, and some work that needs to be done. Please review, and respond with any ideas or corrections. Also, where you see "WT"- that is a job that must be done. Please reply with your intention to work on that job.

Tasks from d), e)
1. Propose and establish methods for applicants to seek out assistance to be given by Back-End Registry provider, top-level domain consultants, translators, technicians, etc

Board Resolution: Staff will publish a list of organizations that request assistance and organizations that state an interest in assisting with additional program development. Karla has started a mock-up website and discussed concept for page with Kurt

To Do:
Staff-Establish timeline for this webpage to be conceptualized, developed, and published. Staff- Create webpage so applicants that seek assistance and providers that will assist can self-identify. WT: Provide examples of webpages similar to what would work for our requirements, provide ideas of what sort of tools are needed on this website. Staff + WT-Communicate availability of this website and it's intended use. Staff + WT-Record in a central repository, (on this website, maybe under restricted access? ) any information already collected, such as the response by Blacknight and Neustar in public comments stating willingness to provide support. Staff: Out-reach through registrar and registry constituency mailing list. WT: Communicate program to potential applicants and providers, request commitment from providers. A letter has been written and is published at https://community.icann.org/display/jaswg/SO-AC+New+gTLD+Applicant+Support+Working+Group ( titled "letter from Elaine Pruis") explaining the program and requesting help. Please utilize this tool.

2. Coordinating the assistance


To Do:
Discuss possible methods, parameters and terms for matching applicants with providers.

WT:-Create spread sheet with possible needs, who needs it, who can provide it. This should be managed in a WT- accessible space, is the Wiki working now?
WT:-Define all possible types of assistance that might be requested.
WT:-Define if a single coordinator would be appointed to this task, skills that person should have

----This should keep us busy until next week.

Apologies for missing Friday's meeting. It is not possible for me to attend at the scheduled time. I have listened to the recording, and would like to note that in response to a blog post published late Thursday night that indicated the AGB wouldn't be finalized until June, some folks now think we have more time to finish our work. I was told by someone that attended that meeting that the blog-post is not an accurate representation of what was actually said. Therefore I suggest we do not trust that we have until June to finish our work.

Best Regards,

Elaine Pruis
VP Client Services
+1 509 899 3161

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