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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Chat Transcript - Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support March 4 2011

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Chat Transcript - Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support March 4 2011
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 07:47:15 -0800

-----Original Message-----
From: Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 7:09 AM
To: Karla Valente
Subject: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD 
Applicant Support

  Karla Valente:Welcome to the JAS Meeting - March 4 2011
  Sébastien:Can you call me on my mobile please?
  CLO:Happening  Seb
  Karla Valente:talking to operator now, sebastien
  CLO:They need your number Seb
  Sébastien:+33 6 07 66 89 33
  Karla Valente:@ Sebastien: number given to operator. Should call you shortly
  Sébastien:thanks Karla sorry to ask so late
  Karla Valente:@ Sebastien: no problem
  Alan Greenberg:    One item to note at start of meeting (but preferably NOT 
for discussion). The ALAC has approved a revised charter for this WG.   Both 
the final charter and how it was derived can be found at 
The only functional difference from before is the deletion og the item to 
re-inspect the $100k component of the new gTLD price.
  Alan Greenberg:"og" = "of"
  avri:that would seem to be something we need to discuss since we have a 
subteam, perhaps of only one, who is looking at it.
  Alan Greenberg:And the re-wording of the fundraising/foundation item (as per 
  avri:it might be good to understand why they decided to eliinate this item.
  Alan Greenberg:Cheryl or I can address it. Or Olivier if he is on call.
  CLO:OCL  is on the call so he can address that  but the Vote from ALAC is now 
coimplete and staff has advised  GNSO of this (I beleive)  in the last  few hrs 
or so
  CLO:We do need this on this Agernda though  yes
  Dave Kissoondoyal:Sorry for joining late
  Alan Greenberg:By "no discussion", I meant that it is not a subject for 
debate. Explanation is of course required which is why I suggested putting it 
on the agenda.
  Sébastien:>>SEBASTIEN BACHOLLET: Just a question about the transcript. You 
say you are authorized or you are not authorized to have different price? 
Because it was written "you are authorized," and I think -- >>PETER DENGATE 
THRUSH: Principle N, capital "N," for Nancy, from the GNSO recommendations, 
from memory, says that if the board wants to, it can set up disparate fee 
structures, including for needy applicants. We just need to work out how to do 
this. There's no difficulty with the concept. 
  Sébastien:In the scoreCard: GAC: new gTLD applications from municipalities 
and local governments in developing countries
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:olivier, what did you propose as deadline?
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:great
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:thx seb
  Carlton Samuels:@Andrew: That's precisely why I'm interested in the subject
  CLO:+1 to Avri's points raised now
  Carlton Samuels:I'm dropped again!!!
  Carlton Samuels:Can Anna be asked to ring me back please?
  Carlton Samuels:@Avri:  +1 Priorities for various aspects of the WG report
  Andrew Mack 2:fair enough Avri.  just want to keep it as simple as possible.
  Carlton Samuels:Im back!
  Karla Valente:@ Carlton: I asked
  Carlton Samuels:Thanks Karla, much obliged
  avri:CLO - good point.  we never really considered that.  I would still be 
against for the same reasons as before but we should consider it.
  avri:this is, therefore, the city tld's request.  i had heard there was one 
to the governements.
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO: +1. The refnement of the cost model was something I was 
going to speak to... I still need to say something on the government is
  CLO:Yes  municipalities  =>  authorities  and LOCAL  Gov't  OF  Dev Countries 
 is the wording
  Andrew Mack 2:this government issue may be a non-issue in the end, but I 
agree with Carlton, we should watch this
  CLO:the => authorities is added by me for clarity to what CS just said
  avri:@Andrew, i am all for keeping it simple, but we have to do due 
dillegence on comments we get. whether from individuals or governements.
  CLO:Yes the charter(s)  are whwt they are report on WORK
  CLO:from the WG
  Olivier Crépin-Leblond:just get on with the work, yes.
  Alan Greenberg:Is Rafiq also still GNSO Liaison to this group (in addition to 
being Co-chair)?
  rafik:@alan yes
  CLO:our ALAC  Liaison to the GNSO  will speak to Council  on ALAC  matters if 
and when we need to   but  do  report on how the WG is working to the 
Charter(s)  yes
  CLO:Agree  @Avri
  Alan Greenberg:Oops -rafiK ....  Thanks.
  rafik:@alan no problem :)
  Olivier Crépin-Leblond:Sorry - hosting a call starting in a few minutes so I 
need to go now.. Thanks for the productive call.
  CLO:You need to 'map'  the WG reporting  to the Charter issues  some  
finished some not (yet)  and yes give dates please  pre May
  Alan Greenberg:Peter gave us a present FAR larger than what the $100k 
investigation would have given us. He agreed that differential fees are 
  avri:i probably agree, Alan, but not sure everyone would.
  avri:I assume it is an opne meeting
  Sébastien:sorry to leave like that
  Sébastien:see you in SFO
  CLO:meet in SFO
  avri:Team AB is in the critical path, as they say in project scheduling.
  CLO: One item to note at start of meeting (but preferably NOT for 
discussion). The ALAC has approved a revised charter for this WG.   Both the 
final charter and how it was derived can be found at 
The only functional difference from before is the deletion og the item to 
re-inspect the $100k component of the new gTLD price.Alan Greenberg: "og" = "of"

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