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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Request for financial data

  • To: JAS <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Request for financial data
  • From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 10:15:08 -0400

Here are my thoughts on the detailed questions regarding new gTLD fees:

A detailed and comprehensive breakdown of the components of the $185K gTLD fee, including assumptions and formulas that determined the costing numbers. Such a detail would include a breakdown outlining how much of the $185K is allocated to:
- cover the actual (i.e. real staff time) cost to process a basic application

I am not sure what this means. We would have to define "basic application" and I don't believe that we have. I am not sure it has much merit though.

- apply various tests and controls (i.e. contention) -- tests that may or may not be appropriate to JAS-qualified applications

Many of the "tests" will be applicable. Some we predict may not be (string contention for example, but it is unclear if we will be correct on this). Some of this is broken down in the published budget (http://icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/explanatory-memo-new-gtld-program-budget-22oct10-en.pdf).

- repay costs of historic policy work

Haven't they already stated that this is the (I think) $26k, perhaps rounded to 25.

- replenish the reserve fund for costs incurred by previous applications (i.e. to - cover costs associated with .XXX)

I have never seen any statement that this is being done. It would be more appropriate to ask if such costs have been factored in, and if so, provide details.

- mitigate risk of lawsuits (the legal reserve)

This is reasonable, but I think it may be covered in my global request for parameters below.

- ICANN legal costs (real and anticipated)

Is this different from above? If so, perhaps integrate lawsuits into this one.

- Costs specifically related to due diligence of applicants

Not sure what is meant by "due diligence of applicants". If it is reviewing and to the extent possible testing what is said in the application, hasn't this already been addressed in the published budget (http://icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/explanatory-memo-new-gtld-program-budget-22oct10-en.pdf)?

- Any other relevant cost category (and if so, what is that category?)

I think that focus of the question should be on the parameters used to determine "Risk Cost" of $60,000. This is the area that we may be able to identify assumptions that we deem
unfair to disadvantaged applicants.

I do note that the largest single number that we would need to USE any financial input to build a case for lower fees is the number or percentage of applicants that will fall under our program. Without that, it is impossible to assess how to re-adjust fees (assuming there is a will to do so). And we have so far punted on this question.


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