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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: Milestone Report 2 - public comment?

  • To: Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: Milestone Report 2 - public comment?
  • From: Cheryl Langdon-Orr <langdonorr@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 05:55:41 +1000

Many reports are Published at various  stages  and comments  or
more properly I suppose review comments  to text etc.,  occurs  and these
effect the next iteration of a WG's processes AS  part of normal Process  a
full fledged  PC would happen after CO does its thing  yes...  in the case
of a PDP  that would be the SO (as CO)  doing that  Before final report /
recommendations  (integrating results of the PC in it)  goes to the Board...
   I always think of these as  in the process Call for Public Comments on
Reports and at End  Public Comment on Final but they are really all PC's  I
guess  and  there is variability in what  the actual ICANN PC process is...
 However  ATRT recommended a more iterative approach to this...

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

On 8 June 2011 05:37, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I was under the impression that the chartering orgs must act to a) accept
> or b) reject the report before it is submitted to the wider world.   So the
> holdup in this instant case led to the doors of the GNSO.
> Given all that we know, I will accept the sure advice and proceed
> accordingly.
> Best,
> ==============================
> Carlton A Samuels
> Mobile: 876-818-1799
> *Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*
> =============================
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Dear all:
>> Please note the Milestone Report 2 has not yet been posted for public
>> comment. Previous work from the JAS WG has been posted for public comment.
>> Please let me know how would you like to proceed.
>> Thank you.
>> Karla Valente
>> Director, gTLD Registry Programs
>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>> Direct:  + 1 310 301 3878
>> Mobile:  +1 310 936 4639
>> *Skype: **kdlvalente*

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