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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: GNSO Council motions 9 June 2011

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: GNSO Council motions 9 June 2011
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 16:46:09 -0700


Dear All,

Ahead of the official GNSO Council minutes, the following motions were passed 
at the Council meeting on 9 June 2011.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Motion 1. WHOIS Registrant Identification Study Motion May 2011


In October 2007, the GNSO Council concluded that a comprehensive and objective 
understanding of key factual issues regarding the gTLD Whois system would 
benefit future GNSO policy development efforts 

On 4 March 2009, the GNSO Council requested Staff to conduct research on 
feasibility and cost estimates for selected Whois studies and report its 
findings to Council. (See Motion 3, http://gnso.icann.org/resolutions/#200903).

On 23-Mar-2010, Staff presented a report on the feasibility and cost estimates 
for a Whois "Registrant Identification" Study, finding that the study would 
cost approximately $150,000 (USD) and take approximately one year to complete 
  This exploratory study would examine Whois data for a representative sample 
of gTLD domain names to classify the types of entities that register domains, 
including natural persons, various kinds of legal persons and Privacy and Proxy 
service providers.

On 28 April 2011 the Council deferred consideration of the Whois Registrant 
Identification Study until the 9 June 2011 meeting and requested that any 
applicable motions in that regard be submitted not later than 1 June 2011.

On 20 May 2011 a volunteer Whois studies group submitted to the GNSO Council 
revised Whois Registrant Identification Study Terms of Reference


supporting Rationale


and Summary of Changes



The Council requests that ICANN staff proceed with the Whois Registrant 
Identification Study as set forth in the revised Terms of Reference 

Further resolved, the Council asks staff to report back to the Council if the 
original estimate for the study of $150,000 USD is exceeded by greater than 20%.

Further resolved, in recognition of the substantial amount of coordination 
needed to direct the research, that staff be given the discretion to manage 
this study serially or in parallel with the other Whois studies, with a goal of 
expediting completion of all of the studies as efficiently as possible.

Motion 2:  To Acknowledge the Receipt of the Policy Development Process Work 
Team Final Report and Initiate a Public Comment Period

WHEREAS, in October 2008, the GNSO Council established a framework (see GNSO 
Council Improvement Implementation Plan;

 for implementing the various GNSO Improvements identified and approved by the 
ICANN Board of Directors on 26 June 2008



WHEREAS, that framework included the formation, in January 2009, of two 
Steering Committees, the Operations Steering Committee (OSC) and the Policy 
Process Steering Committee (PPSC), to charter and coordinate the efforts of 
five community work teams in developing specific recommendations to implement 
the improvements;

WHEREAS, the PPSC established two work teams, including the Policy Development 
Process Work Team (PDP-WT), which was chartered to develop a new policy 
development process that incorporates a working group approach and makes it 
more effective and responsive to ICANN's policy development needs;

WHEREAS, the GNSO Council decided to terminate the PPSC on 28 April 2011 and 
instructed the PDP-WT to deliver its Final Report directly to the GNSO Council;

WHEREAS, the PDP-WT submitted its Final Report, 
http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-31may11-en.htm, on 31 May 
2011 to the GNSO Council;


RESOLVED that the GNSO Council acknowledges receipt of the PDP-WT Final Report 
as delivered by the PDP-WT and directs ICANN Staff to commence a thirty (30) 
day public comment period on this Final Report.

RESOLVED FURTHER that the GNSO Council shall take action on the PDP-WT Final 
Report as soon as possible after the end of the public comment period.

RESOLVED FURTHER that the GNSO Council recommends that a concise summary of the 
new Policy Development Process be drafted by ICANN Staff, following approval of 
the new PDP by the ICANN Board, in order to serve as a primer to the new Annex 
A of the ICANN Bylaws and PDP Manual for potential PDP WG members.

3  Motion  regarding the JAS milestone report.


The GNSO Council and ALAC established the Joint SO/AC Working Group (JASWG) on 
support for new gTLD applicants in April of 2010; and

The Working Group released it  Milestone Report posted for consideration by the 
Board, Chartering Organizations and at-large Community. This report documented 
the completion of work as defined in the original charter and requested an 
update to the Working Groups charter, and

The GNSO and ALAC, separately, renewed the Working Groups charter with 
additional work item in February 2011, and

The Joint SO/AC Working Group received and discussed the public comments, and

The Joint SO/AC Working Group has completed the work as defined in its extended 
charter and published a second milestone report 
(https://community.icann.org/display/jaswg/JAS+Issues+and+Recommendations#) on 
8 May 2011 covering those chartered items 
(http://gnso.icann.org/resolutions/#20110113-1) entitled JAS Milestone Report. 

The GNSO council does not wish to delay the start of the new gTLD application 
process, and

The GNSO council does not wish to delay implementation of support programs for 
applicants from developing regions,


The GNSO Council thanks the members of the Joint SO/AC Working Group for its 
efforts and its dedication to completing the work on such a tight schedule, and

The GNSO Council request that the report be put out for community review as 
soon as possible,

The JAS Working Group continues working to deal with any issues that may arise 
in the upcoming review by the community,

That the JAS Working group publish their final report after this review process.

Resolved further, that the GNSO Council instructs the GNSO Chair to communicate 
its decision to the ALAC Chair.

Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat



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