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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Discounted Pricing for Underserved Communities

  • To: ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Discounted Pricing for Underserved Communities
  • From: Evan Leibovitch <evan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 00:41:47 -0400

On 26 June 2011 21:58, <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > I know several commercial concerns who are contemplating contributing
> > cash and/ or services to the ICANN seed fund.

Not to belabour the points already answered, but you can't contribute
services to a seed fund.

Donated services are certainly to be solicited and will be appreciated by
recipients, but donated services -- even when there is an exact match
between need and donation, which may not be common -- have a problem with

The only legitimate model of applying of donated services to a charity fund
of which I'm aware sees the services auctioned off, and the auction price is
contributed to the fund. This is usually the only reliable method of
determining the cash value of a donated service (ie, what someone is
prepared to pay for it).

Alternately, the "matchmaking" service Elaine has been working on can also
be useful, but its listed services can't really be considered as part of --
because they can't be spent like -- the fund as described by the Board.

- Evan

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