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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: JAS Call Agenda - A Proposal

  • To: carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: JAS Call Agenda - A Proposal
  • From: ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:30:18 -0400


I could ask who raised the issue,  and for a pointer to where the reasons
are to which you refer, or point to my prior request to have the RSP and
Registrar draft first readings scheduled.

Your proposal is that Avri and Elaine should take over the coordination of
use of the ICANN bridge call-time allocated to the JAS WG, for some time
to come.

I was unaware that no other issues required call-time resources, and I
suspect that the two issues you've identified, by a means I'm also not
aware of, may not require the resource you propose to allocate to them.

I've the anticipation that the use of call-time you've proposed is likely
to result in less necessary communication rather than more. However, if
you and Rafik are determined to turn over some of the responsiblies for
critical communication resource coordination, I support your choice, as
co-chairs, to delegate.

I could be wrong of course.


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